I love meditation. I practice it every day, often twice a day. It grounds me, connects me with a deeper truth about myself, and fosters the inner peace that keeps me centered, especially in challenging times. These dear heart, are indeed difficult times, are they not?
Love Letter #158: You Are Love: A Morning Ritual
Sitting here this morning, gazing at the altar, I watch the fog rolling in and the delicate dance of sage smoke swirling in the air. This is my morning ritual, a delightful reminder that I am One with the Divine, setting a bright intention for the day ahead.
Love Letter #157: Choosing To Be Here
This weekend, I had a conversation with a friend about the profound concept of being in this world, but not of it, which entered into today’s meditation.
Love Letter #156: Unlock Creativity & Clarity
Staring at this blank page yet again, my mind is awhirl with chaos and creativity, searching for the “perfect” words for this love letter. Ugh…
Love Letter #155: Be Success Right Now
When I wrote Love Letter #153, “What Success Looks Like Now,” I had no idea it would be the discussion topic in a group of amazing women the next day.
Love Letter #154: The Music We Choose
I’ve just returned from an outing with the singers and musicians at Concordia, and I’m at a loss for words today.
Love Letter #153: What Success Looks Like Now
You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about what success means lately. For the longest time, I chased this idea of perfection and what society tell us success is.
Love Letter #152: Need Confidence? Try this…
Do you see yourself as a confident person? How about a self-confident person? What’s the difference? Read on.
Love Letter #151: You Don’t Always Need a Plan
If you’re a perfectionist, you always have a plan. I know firsthand. In fact, we often have a backup plan or two, just in case. Because…we think we should know everything.
Love Letter #150: Spiritual Self-Direction
Embracing imperfection involves a spiritual journey of self-guidance. It means tuning into your inner wisdom, connecting with the Source within, and shaping the life you envision.
Love Letter #149: That’s One Way to Fix It
I was reviewing module six in my metaphysical studies. It’s all about winning the game of life through metaphysical principles. This line really jumped out at me; “Life created me and Life can create for me.”
Love Letter #148: I’m Meant to Be ‘Out There’
I was talking with a friend the other day about being ‘out there’. I’ve always felt a little out there and for a lot of my life, I tried to be normal and fit in. I don’t have a lot of memories of my childhood, but I do have this felt memory, a sense of being laughed at and feeling humiliated for being different.
Love Letter #147: Goodbyes & Growth
Today was the last day of pet-sitting at my former home. The water heater busted and there was some water cleanup to do after the plumber set everything straight. Even then, it was wonderful to have the place to mysel
Love Letter #146: What Do YOU See in the Mirror
When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? Do you even look at yourself in the mirror…or do you just glance and skim over what you believe are flaws and imperfections?
Love Letter #145: A Love Letter to Yourself
Have you ever taken the time to write a love letter to yourself? Perhaps from your younger self or even your future self? It’s personal and powerful.
Love Letter #144: Are You Playing the Game of Life
We’ve all been stuck at times in our lives; me included. But are you playing the game of life, our are you stuck waiting for a get-out-of-jail free card?
Love Letter #143: Will You Really Be Happy When
Were you aware that martyrdom is tied to perfectionism? Perfectionism often leads us to self-abandon, excessive concern for others and struggles with setting and maintaining healthy boundaries.
Love Letter #142: The Thing That Isn’t Easy on You
I’m here to deliver some difficult news today…but it’s something we all need to hear.The only thing that isn’t easy on you…is YOU. There is good news too…
Love Letter #141: Life is Simple – We Complicate it!
I’ve been reflecting on transcendence in my metaphysical studies. I appreciate the simplicity of this discipline and how it reveals our tendency to complicate life.
Love Letter #140: You Never Really Go Home
This week, I’m pet and house-sitting in the house I sold two years ago. It was purchased by a dear friend, and she’s traveling this week.
Love Letter #139: Losing Sight
I went on a road trip today. Just a little one. But I haven’t done that in quite some time, and I realized how much I’ve been consumed with my work and allowed other things I love to fall to the wayside.
Love Letter #138: Could the Dragon Love YOU?
I’m still thinking about the movie Damsel on Netflix. The one I told you about yesterday – where the woman had to come to terms with her inner dragon and wondering – could the dragon love her?
Love Letter #137: Can You Love the Dragons
I watched a strange little movie last night, Damsel. It’s on Netflix if you’re interested. At first, I thought, this is really dumb, but something compelled me to stay until the credits rolled.
Love Letter #136: Being Present is Powerful
I led a meditation today promoted by an interaction at a networking event that really got me thinking about the power of being in the present moment.
Love Letter #135: Living Life on the Fly
I’m on a mission to explore authenticity in my own life. What it means, and how to show up more and more authentically. What would that look like?
Love Letter #134: What it Means to Be Good
Yesterday, I wrote an emotional and heartfelt love letter to my mother on Mother’s Day. It resonated with many of you who wrote back to me saying you could have written such a letter, and thanking me.
Love Letter #133: To Mom on Mother’s Day
I miss you. I know our relationship wasn’t always great. But not being able to reach you is hard. I’ve been hearing a lot of places within me that were wounded as a child, and there is so much I want to talk about and ask you.
Love Letter #132: Its Risky to Be Seen
It’s risky to put yourself out there and be seen and share your heart, your work, and your wisdom with the world. But isn’t that what we all want? To be seen, heard, and accepted for who we are? Thank you for being a witness to this adventure.
Love Letter #131: How to Get to Know Yourself
Traveling solo is not just about visiting a new destination; it’s a profound journey toward self-discovery. An amazing way to get to know yourself.
Love Letter #130: Life is Simple
You and I hold the power to shape our reality. As Louise Hay writes, “Life is simple. What we give out, we get back” (You Can Heal Your Life). The state of our being is our energetic vibration.
Love Letter #129: Lets Talk About GOD
I know…this is a potentially loaded topic, or you might have an aversion to the word God. I understand. Perhaps if I refer to It as Love, that may feel better to you.
Love Letter #128: Nerdy Girl, Flat Tire & Meditation
I’m a nerdy girl. I love to read, learn, and then practice what I learn to see how it works, because personal and spiritual transformation is personal.
Love Letter #127: Your Mind & State of Being
Today, I started talking about Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard, in the Sacred Humans community. One of the concepts Goddard writes about is the “state of being”, the state of your being – the quality of your present experience.
Love Letter #126: Harmony in a Discordant World
I love to sing and sing in harmony with other humans. If you’ve been here a while, you know that singing is a form of prayer for me. I have a long playlist of affirmative, uplifting, and powerful lyrics that I listen to often.
Love Letter #125: Just to Say I love You
Today, I want to tell you I love you and I believe in you. Whether we know each other or have yet to meet, I genuinely love and appreciate you.
Love Letter #124: Exploring Your Perfectly Imperfect Self
Do you set impossibly high standards for yourself? Are you overly concerned with what others will think if they get to know the “real” you?
Love Letter #123: A Gift of Being Wildly Imperfect
I adore the idea of being wildly imperfect because that’s what we all are. Wildly, beautifully, and divinely imperfect. We are sacred beings and imperfect humans.
Love Letter #122: Embracing Imperfections
We are all human and sacred. Everything about us and our lives is sacred. We are perfect in our essence and imperfect in our humanness. And yet, perfectionism has conditioned us to hide parts of ourselves we perceive to be imperfect.
Love Letter #121: Being Choosey is Important
I was reading a marketing email from another coach today about experiencing Q2 burnout in business. He spoke of this as though it’s a real thing. It may be real to him, but it isn’t to me. This got me thinking about being so damn choosey that I don’t follow blindly or settle for anything less than what feels soul-deep delicious in my life.
Love Letter #120: How to Dance with Uncertainty
This morning, we had our final conversation on the essence of “meaning”. As we delved into the depths of this topic I realized there’s still a lot to unpack.
Love Letter #119: When Inspiration Comes Fast & Furious
I’d been awake since 3:30 AM. The creative muse roused me with a waterfall of ideas for what’s next in my coaching practice. Inspiration came fast and furious.
Love Letter #118: When You Only See the First Step
I did a thing. A brave, and beautiful thing. Something I’ve been called to do for some time but I can only see the first step which is exciting and unsettling.
Love Letter #117: You Are the Light of the World
All this week, I’ve been live in my Facebook community talking about mental dieting using “The 7 Day Mental Diet” by Dr. Emmet Fox. It’s a tiny, yet important concept and practice.
Love Letter #116: Truth Is, Your Life is Manure
No one loves a gardening metaphor more than a gardener.
Because the truth is, your life is manure. Everything leading up to this moment is manure. I’m not saying your life is a pile of sh!t or that it stinks. Nope. Quite the opposite.
Love Letter #115: Do You Know How to Use This
The stories we tell ourselves and others about our lives shape our identity, beliefs, and perceptions of reality. Curiosity plays a crucial role in shaping these narratives by encouraging us to explore and reinterpret our experiences, memories, and emotions.But do you know how to use it?
Love Letter #114: The Story You Tell…
You are a story. A powerful narrative. A beautiful composition of thoughts, words, actions, and choices unifying into a life. Your life. A radical act of becoming your most fully expressed self.
Love Letter #113: How to Have the Entire Loaf…
Growing up with emotionally unavailable adults in your life can feel like you’re on a treasure hunt where the treasure is love, but all you find are breadcrumbs. Trust me, I’ve been there.
Love Letter #112: The Power of Small Habits
I’ve been thinking about the power of small habits. Of taking small, steady moves that, over time, have a profound impact on your life. It’s not always the grand gestures or momentous decisions that shape our lives.
Love Letter #111: Why You Need Courage to Be Confident
Often, the women I work with tell me they need more confidence. Confidence, and certainty. But the truth is confidence comes from having the courage to do the thing that scares you.
Love Letter #110: Living an Unapologetic
Does the word ‘unapologetic’ make you a little nervous? Or make you cringe a bit? The Art of Self-Approval is how I work with women ready to live an unapologetic life, with love. Love for themselves, and others.
Love Letter #109: It’s Not Easy Being Seen
Vulnerability is a powerful journey towards embracing your authentic self, allowing yourself to be seen without fear or shame. It’s a transformative process that many find challenging.
Love Letter #108: Date Me, Love Me, Marry Me
Yesterday, I took myself on a date and bought myself flowers. I visited Wicked Tulips in Exeter, RI, and came home with a bouquet of gorgeous tulips. I love spending time with people I love, but dating myself is important.
Love Letter #107: When We Stop Being Afraid of the Dark
We can’t see our shadows, but we can feel them. Triggers. Judgments. Criticism. Fears. These point us to our shadows.
Love Letter #106: Your Brain Has Nothing New to Tell You
This morning I was on a call and we were talking about “meaning”. We make meaning of everything. That’s how we navigate this physical existence. We keep ourselves “feeling safe…
Love Letter #105: I’m Here to Encourage You
I was put here to encourage you…To encourage you to explore what life has to offer. To question your beliefs and ideas. To recognize there are many ways to be in this world…
Love Letter #104: There’s No One More Qualified to Be You
Do you ever feel you need to justify yourself to others? To convince others of what you’re choosing in life? To continually explain yourself? Ever ask yourself why?
Love Letter #103: We Have Always Been Wise
What does wisdom mean to you?
I once believed that wisdom came with age. The older I got the wiser I would be. But, I’ve come see common beliefs as myths that teach us to distrust our innate wisdom.
Love Letter #102: The Fullness of Who You Are
I often contemplate the idea that we live under the impression that we must become something. I talk about becoming in my love letters and in my work, but not from the sense that you lack anything or anything is wrong. On the contrary.
Love Letter #101: No Matter What, Love Dissolves All
When we truly understand and embody this love, it has the power to transcend any obstacle, no matter how insurmountable it may seem from a limited human perspective.
Love Letter #100: How to Live a Playful Life
When I was first training as a life coach, I studied with Martha Beck PhD and one of Oprah’s coaches. I learned to see my life as a continuum of play and rest; like an infinity loop. Play until you want to rest, rest until you’re ready to play.
Love Letter #99: A Tribute to Unconditional Love & Courage
I want to share this incredible love story with you but trust me, it’s not your typical love story. Yesterday, we honored the life of a truly amazing woman, Erica Parrillo. Honestly, her life was a love story; a romance with life in its purest form.
Love Letter #98: Embrace the Power of Quitting: 5 Simple Steps
Quitting isn’t about giving up. It’s about consciously choosing where you want to spend your time, energy, and attention. These three things are the currency with which you “buy” your life’s experiences.
Love Letter #97: Let Go of the Value of Sacrifice
If you read yesterday’s Love Letter, you know I’m a quitter, and proud of it. I shared some of my herstory of quitting. Today, I want to share a broader view of the power of quitting and choosing joy.
Love Letter #96: Why It’s Okay to Be a Quitter
Are you a quitter? I often see things – people and memes – telling you not to quit. Don’t be a quitter. Quitting is bad. Nobody likes a quitter. But what if…
Love Letter #95: Can You See the Fullness of This One Moment?
In meditation this morning I was contemplating this concept: “Many things, a million things, a billion things, everything, had to go right for me, and you, to be here now.”
Love Letter #94: You Can’t Make the Moment More Full
Let’s talk about something that’s been buzzing around in my mind – the concept of a bucket list. It’s that list of experiences or achievements you want to tick off before you, well, ‘kick the bucket’.
Love Letter #93: Unmasking Anger
Today’s love letter is an update to an email I wrote in 2023 called “Exploring Anger: A Personal Journey”. That email got a bit of attention from women who’ve had similar experiences facing anger.
Love Letter #92: We’re All Just Making Sh!t Up!
This morning, in a mind-bending conversation, the topic of conversation was “meaning”. What it means to each of us and how we define it in our own lives.
Love Letter #91: Unlearning Self-hate
I was driving to visit my mother today and there are daffodils everywhere right now. Bright and beautiful. And I wondered, as I drove, why it is so easy for us to see beauty in nature, and so difficult to see it in ourselves. We are nature, too.
Love Letter #90: How To Make Sacred Choices…
I was thinking about decision-making today and how, in my life, decisions have become sacred choices.
Think about it. If we are spiritual BEings, live in a
Love Letter #89: Stop Trying and Love Yourself
This year of love letters is really about celebrating the woman within. The woman within you and me. The woman we so often dismiss, disparage, and…
Love Letter #88: The Sacred Role of Anger
On this rainy day, I am contemplating a question that many of us, especially women, often shy away from: Do I allow myself to feel and process anger?
Love Letter #87: Courage and Change…
I am listening to the audiobook “The Courage to be Disliked” by Ichiro Kishimi and Famitake Koga and wow! I love this, and so much of this book speaks to my spiritual philosophy and how I coach, still, there are several things that are blowing my mind
Love Letter #86: The Downside of Tolerance
What are you tolerating in your life?
This was a question I was asked by one of my teachers years ago. At first, I didn’t understand it, but the more I played in this question and honestly answered it the more I see how tolerance isn’t a good thing.
Love Letter #85: One Thing You Can Count On
I believe that life is fifty-fifty. It doesn’t always feel good and it isn’t supposed to, and sometimes it truly sucks. I’ve had a few of those days lately.
Love Letter #84: Unwrapping Life
Imagine, each day as you wake, you are given a gift to unwrap. A beautiful, bright, sparkling package of moments. Everyday, ordinary moments,
Love Letter #83: Love is the New Frontier
Yesterday I attended a monthly Phenomenal Women Drinking Coffee gathering. As always the conversation is deep and weird and all about Love.
Love Letter #82: What do you WANT to believe?
If you know me at all, you know I believe in the power of stories. Everything is a story. What you think about yourself. A story. How you see yourself and your life. Story. What you think is right or wrong, good or bad;
Love Letter #81: 3 Secrets to a Kickass Life
Several years ago, I published a small book entitled, 3 Secrets to a Kickass Life. It’s a fun read with practical ways to get clear about what you want and welcome it into your life. So, today,
Love Letter #80: I’d Love for YOU to Get a Grip On This!
Perfectionism is a function of patriarchy. It is baked into our culture and it’s damn hard to see sometimes. We have been so conditioned to strive for a collective idea of success and love and happiness. But…
Love Letter #78: If I Only Knew Then
This morning, during my usual start-of-the-week conversation with a fantastic group of women, we delved into the neuroscience of “pride”
Love Letter #77: The Weight of Change
I came across a poem today as I am feeling the weight of changes in my life. How often we avoid making changes that we’re being called to make because what’s next is so uncertain and unknown.
Love Letter #76: That Time I Went to the Fairy Realm
Believing in things beyond our sight can be challenging, but many of us have faith in a higher power without ever having seen it. So, is it truly unimaginable to consider the possibility of visiting the realm of fairies?
Love Letter #75: A Place Packed With Love
I’m sitting in a café this morning writing to you. As I look around, I realize this place is packed with love. If we are all incarnations of the divine, of Love Itself, then here in this place,
Love Letter #74: What Does it Mean to Love
As I drove down the road late this afternoon behind a car with a decal in the back window declaring “I LOVE” followed by the name of a local car dealer, I had an interesting thought
Love Letter #73: Imagination is Fire from Heaven
I’ve been in the study and practice of metaphysics and religious science (not to be confused with scientology) for nearly a decade, and have come to deeply understand that all things come from within – from our subconscious.
Love Letter #72: There’s Medicine & Magic in Frustration
How often do we spend our time railing against what we don’t like in some arena of life? What if you’re actually giving life to what you don’t want?
Love Letter #71: Thai Orchid Love
On Mondays, I join a group of freaking amazing women entrepreneurs for deep and meaningful discussions. This month’s topic is “pride,” and the group was asked,
Love Letter #70: A Divine Idea
“You are a divine idea in the mind of God”.
This is the message I heard this morning. It means we are all powerful beyond measure. That we are here on purpose to live into the fullness of our most authentically expressed selves.
Love Letter #69: Sometimes We Need To…
This morning after a week of big changes in my life, including having braces put on my teeth– I’m sitting here with Gracie in quiet reflection writing a poem.
Love Letter #68: International Women’s Day
On International Women’s Day today, I am reflecting on interconnectedness and empathy. This day goes beyond celebration; it prompts me to contemplate the interconnectedness of humanity.
Love Letter #67: Life Love & Inherent Self-Worth
Today, I simply want to remind you that you are worthy. Worthy of love. Worthy of life. Of all that you desire in this life. You beautiful soul, have nothing, zero things to prove to anyone.
Love Letter #66: Feeling Groovy
I’ve been reading and practicing from the book, Feeling It the Secret by Neville Goddard. Feeling groovy, being in the feeling of your desired state of being, is the secret of this tiny yet powerful book.
Love Letter #65: How to See What You Believe
I also believe we are powerful beyond what most of us are willing to believe and accept. So, today, I want to share a tiny, powerful book that will help you to see what you want to believe.
Love Letter #64: Pockets Full of Confetti
In a culture where we seem to only feel proud of doing something hard or overcoming a challenge, can we still take pride when it comes easy?
Love Letter #63: Minding My Business
How often do we get caught up in how other people are living their lives instead of focusing on our own? How often are we pushing against something we dislike rather than focusing our attention on creating what we envision?
Love Letter #62: Lovability is Your Ability to Love
As you might have guessed, the practice of letter writing is, for me, a healing practice. I use letter writing as a way of forgiveness, affirmation, and as a way to transmute hurt, fear, or anger.
Love Letter #61: Find Your Voice, Free Yourself
Have you ever been afraid to have a conversation because it felt difficult?
Maybe asking for something you want or need, or don’t want? No matter how much you want to have the conversation, you can’t see to do it.
Love Letter #60: Universal Wonder
On this leap day, I received a greeting in my inbox this morning. “Happy Universal Day of Wonder”, it said. I don’t know where the idea of a universal day of wonder came from, but I like it. A lot.
Love Letter #59: Change is Life in Action
God (Spirit, Source, Life, Love) knows Itself by becoming things. Those things come through you and me. We are Life living itself as me and you. Change is what we are here to be, do, and create. It is the one constant, yet we are most often in resistance to it.
Love Letter #58: For the Love of Curiosity
Thinking about curiosity this morning. It’s been a month long discussion in a Monday morning women’s group I participate in. This week we touched on the old idiom, “curiosity killed the cat”.
Love Letter #57: Change Me Prayer
I’ve been thinking about yesterday’s affirmation, “Divine Beloved, help me to believe the truth about myself no matter how beautiful it is”, and noticing how my human brain wants to figure this out and my ego wants to make this happen.
Love Letter #56: No Matter How Beautiful
How often do we downplay our own magnificence? Dismiss our brilliance, and often dull our light because we don’t want to outshine others. We don’t want to seem self-centered…
Love Letter #55: Do You Love a Fun Quiz?
I hope you like quizzes…because this one is quite fun and insightful. At least it was for me. Curiosity has been a topic of conversation this month. What is it? How we use it.
Love Letter #54: What Are You Waiting For?
Waiting for others can leave us feeling frustrated, disappointed and resentful…signs that we are not meeting our own needs and a recipe for regret. I almost missed an amazing trip to Italy while waiting for others.
Love Letter #53: Late Blooming
I’ve often thought of myself as a late bloomer. Although I did some things early in life – marry, have children – truly getting to know myself all came much later in life…
Love Letter #51: The Magic You Make
Words are threads weaving together a cosmic tapestry; the very fabric of our reality. Language matters, and words have power. That’s exactly why we call it “spell-ing”
Love Letter #50: Are You About It or With It?
This morning, I woke up thinking about the difference between doing something about a situation, and being with a situation. While they may seem similar, the mindset and approach one chooses can be surprisingly different.
Love Letter #49: LOVE Magnified & Overflowing
Today, I would like to share a beautiful hard thing that happened this morning.
We said our goodbyes to a cherished member of my spiritual center who is now under hospice care. Today marked her final celebration service with us.
Love Letter #48: Embracing Solitude
It’s Saturday morning and Gracie and I are here alone. A light snowfall is melting, meditation music is playing, as I enjoy the stillness of the morning
Love Letter #47: It Was Just My Imagination
Lately, I’ve found myself in an unexpected situation. While I’m not prepared to talk about the details yet, here’s what I can share with you.
Love Letter #46: The Urge to Fix Others
I used to believe I could change people in the past, hoping their change would make me feel better. Reflecting on it now, it’s fascinating.
I’ve come to realize that I was seeking changes in others because I was neglecting my own need for change.
Love Letter #45: Beyond Words – a Valentine’s Gift
It’s Valentine’s day, or Galentine’s day, or simply Love Day; a day to celebrate love in all its forms and flavors (but let’s not limit ourselves to one day, okay?).
Love Letter #44: A Call for Love
When I talk about appreciating discomfort such as frustration and feeling stuck, I’m not for a hot minute suggesting that anyone be grateful in an unhealthy situation or relationship. This is never about denying or ignoring a situation that is unhealthy or abusive. I do believe however, that we are always choosing our life
Love Letter #43: The Art of Appreciation
So often, when women come to me for support, they are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, or just plain stuck. I’ve experienced all of these at times in my life. How about you?
Love Letter #42: Mourning the Old You
This love letter is about breaking old patterns. It can feel chaotic when we do and I’m right in the thick of it!
This journey of breaking old patterns often presents unexpected emotions.
Love Letter #41: Want More Time? Here’s how…
Today’s love letter focuses on a common concern I hear from many of my clients and women in general; feeling overwhelmed by their obligations leaving little time for their own self-care and personal pursuits.
We’re so well trained in taking a back seat when it comes to our own needs and dreams
Love Letter #40: Be Brave Enough to Suck
During my coach training many years ago, the first piece of advice offered by the instructor was, “be willing to suck”. In those early days, when it felt terrifying to coach someone with a dozen people listening, this helped ease the pressure a bit.
Love Letter #39: Learning to Surf
I don’t see myself actually surfing the ocean, but the idea here is to surf the waves of life, to stop resisting it and go with the flow…
Love Letter #38: You See What You Believe
A few years back, I was coaching a woman who dreamed of going to Paris. She’d had this dream since she was a little girl. When I met her, she referred to herself as, “the girl who adored Paris but never went”.
Love Letter #37: Ready Isn’t a Feeling
Everyone of us has dreams we want to achieve in this lifetime. I say this all the time. It’s why we’re here. For the adventure, the experience, and the expansion.
Love Letter #36: Winding Road of Decision
The power of decision often takes us on a winding road. Whether it’s deciding to pursue a new career, start a business, or embark on a new adventure, the journey is seldom smooth.
Love Letter #35: Celebrating Difference
As I walked Gracie this morning, I was delighted to hear the coo of a mourning dove. For me, this is a sure sign that spring is on its way. Only the males sing to attract a partner, and it seems this little guy wants to get a jumpstart on things.
Love Letter #33: One Day at a Time
We learn to do everything one day, one step at a time. When we learn to walk, we try, fall down, and try again. Walking becomes running the more we do it.
Love Letter #32: Let Yourself Be Fascinated
Sitting in guided meditation early this morning, the idea of being fascinated surfaced. What if I let myself be fascinated by everything? What if I could see everything from this perspective?
Love Letter #31: When Life Feels Heavy
Sometimes, life feels heavy. For me, today is one of those days. I’ve been feeling sad about some things in my life, and joyful about some others, but the sadness is what I need to sit with at the moment.
Love Letter #30: The Prize Inside
I’m sitting here, staring at the empty page, wondering what love wants to say to you today. My journal reads, “the words are not bold enough,” and I feel that’s true. Words can’t always express how we feel.
Love Letter #29: It’s Been Nine Years!
Did you know I have been writing blogs since 2015? One of the first I wrote was this one: Trusting the Process. “Easing into mornings with no routine – more challenging than one might imagine.
Love Letter #28: Harmony in Healing
As a singer, music has always held a special place in my heart. It’s a powerful force that brings people together and creates a sense of community.
Love Letter #27: Haggis Anyone?
Last night, Brian and I attended a Scottish Burns Night dinner party in honor of the renowned poet and lyricist, Robert Burns.
Love Letter #26: What’s Your Reality
Do you believe that you can create anything you desire in your life? I mean…really believe it?
Love Letter #25: The Heart Knows The Way
It does take courage to follow your heart and every single one of us has that courage. Courage doesn’t mean you’ve got it all figured out. It means you’re willing…
Love Letter #24: What If We Get Lost?
Today, I want to tell you a bit about my mother because I am realizing just now how much she has influenced who I am today.
Love Letter #23: The Middle of Sacred Space
I came across this quote from Pema Chodron in my reading this morning and it couldn’t be more fitting for my life right now. It might serve you as well.
Love Letter #22: There is Nothing You HAVE To Do
The truth is there is NOTHING you HAVE to do. Truly nothing. If the baby is crying, you do not have to pick her up. If the mortgage payment is due, you don’t have to pay it. Have a job?
Love Letter #21: Sometime She Gets Weary
I think in song lyrics…a lot. Most days, I wake with a song playing in my head. I hear people say something and a song pops into my head. Kinda crazy, right.
Love Letter #20: Are You Shoulding On Yourself?
This morning, I led a masterclass with some amazing, strong, and beautiful women. There’s nothing I love more than providing a platform for women to come together…
Love Letter #19: Everything is Holy
In 2022, I became an international bestselling co-author. The book, Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo, a woman’s anthology. I want to share that story with you
Love Letter #18: Stressed Out? You’re Not Alone!
I had an experience this morning and I knew I was in a place of anxious attachment. Stressed out!
Love Letter #17: Life Beyond Limits
Today, right now, I want to invite you to begin living your life without limits. Yep. Right now. Now is always
Love Letter #16: Breathing In Life Around Me
Today was the first snowfall while living on the boat. It was beautiful. Peaceful. Gracie loves the snow and there was no one at the beach so…
Love Letter #15: Walking the Edge
This morning, on a call with a group of amazing women, the term ‘edge walkers’ came up. I love this term and I’m adopting it. I am an edge walker!
Love Letter #14: When the Best Choice Feels Sad
Today, I’m writing this love letter with a heavy heart ❤️🩹. A decision was made in my spiritual community to not renew our minister’s contract.
Love Letter #13: Disappointment, Perfection & The Need to Please
As a recovering people-pleaser and healing perfectionist, I have often disappointed myself in order to be liked, accepted, validated by others. The trouble with this is
Love Letter #12: This is Who You Really Are
This love letter is an invitation to close your eyes and imagine the highest version of you possible. Let’s call her your future self…but
Love Letter #11: Playing With Poison P’s
If you’ve been here a while you know I see perfectionism as a pesky pervasive phenomenon that affects us all in one way or another. Along with cousins, people-pleasing and procrastination, they can make life seem impossible at times.
Love Letter #10: Forgiveness & Authenticity
I may have a vulnerability hangover after this love letter. Fear is chattering in the background…and I’m diving in anyway.
Love Letter #9: Reality Check!
In a recent conversation, a group of savvy entrepreneurs dug deep into the concept of reality. We got real about how each person’s reality is unique…
Love Letter #8: How Do You Eat an English Muffin?
How do you eat an English muffin? This is a silly little love letter…and there’s a point as well. You see, I have a thing for English muffins…
Love Letter #7: Working Hard and Harder
Yesterday, I shared my theory about overwhelm…that it’s there to let you know you’re living life in a way that is underwhelming to your soul. Today, I share wisdom from…
Love Letter #6: The Truth About Overwhelm
I’ve had a theory about overwhelm for a long time. You may have heard this from me before and it’s a bit controversial…and worth repeating.
Love Letter #5 – Florence Elizabeth in the House
I have always admired people who trust themselves to step out and do their own thing. I often wondered if they simply don’t have the fear mechanism I have to hold them back. But that’s not true…
Love Letter #4 – The Journey Out of the Maze
Feeling trapped in the maze of social pressure? Here’s a simple question to help you find your way out.
Love Letter #3: Go Ahead…I’m Listening
In order to be heard, one must be willing to listen with the heart. I wrote this in my journal recently…
Love Letter #2: The Only Reason You Need…
Today, I simply want you to know, the only reason you need to love yourself, be yourself, or follow that dream…is because you want to.
Love Letter 1: My Mother’s Hands
Welcome to day 1 of A Year of Love Letters. I’m delighted you’re here…and along for this new adventure with me! I’ll be honest…I’m a little bit nervous
What if the Whole Dang Thing is a Miracle
On my ‘get to do list’ today is replenishing our water supply. It’s part of boat life in New England in the winter. To keep our water supply from freezing…
What If I Told You…
Today I started a wild writing practice for the next three weeks to tap into the creative unconscious in a fun and playful way. So, what if I told you…
Winter Fire
Within the darkness of winter, and under the layers of dressing, the inner fire of creativity burns in a special way.
Welcoming the Darkness
Today is the winter solstice. As a classic introvert, I love the darkness of winter – the shorter days invite rest and the release of what has come before in anticipation of the return of the light.
The Brain and the Power of Play
Yesterday, I attended a Creative Fire Session hosted by friend. It’s a fun and experiential way to break up the day and shake up my energy and my marketing.
Sadness, Joy & Uncertainty
This was a weekend of many emotions. I received news of a leadership transition in my spiritual center. There is sadness, optimism, and uncertainty.
Unapologetically Yours
Does the word ‘unapologetic’ make you a little nervous? But over time, I’ve come to see it from a different perspective and embrace it in my own way.
In Service to Love
Being in service to love is one of my intentions for 2024. To me, this means embodying the highest form of love and devoting myself to this purpose.
The Audacity to Trust
To simplify you life requires the audacity to trust yourself – completely.
I Wonder if You Can?
I recently took a four week road trip. I haven’t shared much of that adventure here. To be honest I am awestruck and words escape me.
Exploring Anger: A Personal Journey
Recently, I had an experience with anger that made me realize how much it still terrifies me. Even after years of inner work, understanding and processing my own anger, I noticed that I still shut down.
Busy or Full?
I’ve stopped using the word busy to describe the activity of my life. It still slips out sometimes. Nevertheless, I’m striking it from my personal dictionary.
Give Yourself to Love
I recently performed the song Give Yourself to Love by Kate Wolf at my spiritual center. I have always loved this song. The chorus goes like this: “Give yourself to love, if love is what you’re after.” I’ve been reflecting on the truth of these words since that morning.
You Are the Miracle
I love to read, and most days I read a page from a couple of spiritual texts. I…
Unfamiliar Territory & Insecurities
I live on a boat, and this unfamiliar way of life has brought up a lot of my insecurities – the biggest one, thinking I have to do it all myself.
How To Manage Your Mind
I want to share a process I use for managing my mind…so I can think better, feel better, and live better.
Dear White Woman…an invitation
Being a Difficult Woman means challenging the status quo. For me, that comes from a place of self-approval, love and compassion. To understand myself more deeply and that includes recognizing the privilege I have based on the color of my skin. White privilege.
5 People-Pleasings Lessons That Changed My Life
Do you often doubt yourself, get stuck in indecision or feel overwhelmed by all the things in life? You might be a chronic people pleaser. Here are 5 lessons I learned that changed my life…for the better.
Anger, Blame & Self-Approval
When I was young, there was a lot of anger in our household. Anger and blame went hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. “Who did this???” “No me.”
The Grief We Don’t Talk About
Grief comes in many forms. Most often, we think about the grief of losing a beloved – a…
I Am a Difficult Woman
I’ve been immersed in the study of shame. How it is created, how it lives in our bodies,…
Got Quirks?? Me too…
I often say, “weird is a side effect of awesome” yet is has taken me a long time to truly know, love and embody my own quirks and weirdness.
A Beautiful Messy Experiment
Nomadic living has been an interesting journey so far, but what I most want to share with you is the idea that life is a beautiful messy experiment…all of it. Everything is an experiment and each of us is the researcher of our lives.
5 Things I’ve Learned in 5 Weeks
It’s been about 5 weeks of learning to live on the road and there are a few things I’ve learned, mostly about myself.
Panic, Dread, Shame…a love note from the road
Life on the road had been beautiful and trying but it is in the trying moments that I am realizing how much shame I have carried in my life.
The Power of Getting Naked
The year I turned 60, I was part of a book a friend was writing about the power of yoga and meditation to heal and transform. The book was never published yet the experience was extraordinary.
Reinvention in Motion
The whole idea of reinvention might seem crazy to you, but to me, it’s a necessary part of life and this journey I’m on. We are meant to grow, change, and evolve, and it’s impossible to reinvent yourself when you’re holding firmly to who you’ve been.
Decide With an Open Heart
I just signed the purchase and sales agreement for the sale of my home. WOW! It was a…
Leaving Home
Creativity takes the courage to let go of certainty. Creativity isn’t limited to the world of art. We are all creators, creating our lives with each breath, each thought, each word, each choice.
Eat your peas or meet your needs?
I’ve been triggered a lot in the last few weeks. Yep…it happens. I’ve done a lot of healing work and continue to do so, and still, triggers happen.
Is People-Pleasing Really So Bad?
Everyone is taught to people-please. We learn to belong by keeping the rules of belonging in our families and other groups. We learn to please others to get our needs met. It become a problem when belonging requires us to abandon ourselves.
Are You Willing to Break the Rules?
Ready to break the rules and come back to yourself? To boldly create this next half of your life and follow your dreams…are you willing to break the rules?
Love Letter #161: Live is Not In A Hurry
Life is not in a hurry. You are. It’s why you’re stressed, anxious, and disappointed. The truth is, what is meant for you will be yours. This is one of the hardest lessons I am learning.
Love Letter #160: From the Cockpit: Writing Life
As I write this love letter #160, I am reflecting on these past months and this practice. It’s been a journey waking up each day thinking about love.