Love Letter #148: I’m Meant to Be ‘Out There’

Love Letter #148: I’m Meant to Be ‘Out There’

I was talking with a friend the other day about being ‘out there’. I’ve always felt a little out there and for a lot of my life, I tried to be normal and fit in.  I don’t have a lot of memories of my childhood, but I do have this felt memory, a sense of being laughed at and feeling humiliated for being different.

Love Letter #121: Being Choosey is Important

Love Letter #121: Being Choosey is Important

I was reading a marketing email from another coach today about experiencing Q2 burnout in business. He spoke of this as though it’s a real thing. It may be real to him, but it isn’t to me. This got me thinking about being so damn choosey that I don’t follow blindly or settle for anything less than what feels soul-deep delicious in my life. 

Give Yourself to Love

Give Yourself to Love

I recently performed the song Give Yourself to Love by Kate Wolf at my spiritual center. I have always loved this song. The chorus goes like this: “Give yourself to love, if love is what you’re after.” I’ve been reflecting on the truth of these words since that morning.

Leaving Home

Leaving Home

Creativity takes the courage to let go of certainty. Creativity isn’t limited to the world of art. We are all creators, creating our lives with each breath, each thought, each word, each choice.

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