Love Letter #69: Sometimes We Need To…

This morning after a week of big changes in my life, and in the midst of those changes having braces put on my teeth – I’m learning to talk and eat all over again – I’m sitting here cozied up with Gracie and just allowing myself to be. To be in this moment. To be still. To be reflective. To be quiet. And as I sit here in reflection, I wrote a poem. So, today’s love letter is that poem from me to you. It’s called Sometimes.

Sometimes, we need to keep the promises we’ve made to ourselves.

To not let old fears, doubts, and worries hold us back.

Sometimes, we need to do the thing that feels hard for the soul to flourish.

Sometimes, we need to remember that being kind to everyone means being kind to ourselves.

Sometimes, we must risk disappointing others so that we can thrive and evolve.

Sometimes, we need to realize we can’t be everything to everyone so that we can be someone for ourselves.

Sometimes, we must let others take responsibility for themselves so they too can thrive and evolve.

Sometimes we need to recognize that we are the authors of our story, and stop handing our pen to others.

Sometimes, we must see that our feeling stuck, frustrated, or disappointed is all of our own making so that we can choose better for ourselves.

Sometimes, we need to take the path less traveled to nourish our soul and propel us towards personal growth.

Sometimes, when things seem dark, it’s important to look up to the stars and remember that we too shine in the darkness.

Sometimes, it’s important to remind ourselves that we are never alone, and life will always respond to our willingness to engage with it.

Sometimes we have to keep the promises we’ve made to ourselves.

With love,

 Hey friend, sometimes it’s easy to break promises we make to ourselves. Not breaking them means we need to think and be different in our life. To change something in our life, we have to do something different. I’m leading a 5 week experience in the study and practice of Neville Goddard’s book, Feeling is the Secret. A simple and powerful book and practice to help all of us keep the promises we make to ourselves. Click the button below for the details & registration. XO

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