About Elaine


Want to know a secret?

Your wildest dreams are already within reach.

My name is Elaine Blais - Spiritual Love Coach, Imperfection Alchemist and Change Champion.

I'm also a writer and author. My superpower is helping women break free from the chains of people-pleasing and perfectionism through The Art of Self-Approval™.

My ultimate purpose is to be unapologetically myself and spark a revolution of authenticity in others so we can all unlock our true potential. 

I'm here to support and guide you in your journey of self-discovery and transformation in small groups or one-to-one experiences.

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A bit of my story...

We are not born perfectionists.

We are taught that if we do everything "perfectly" we earn love, affection, and acceptance. Does this sound familiar?

But let me ask you, "Did that ever make you feel good enough?"

Discovering inner peace comes from accepting our imperfect, messy, and completely human selves, which ultimately empowers us to live freely and authentically.

Divorce was a catalyst for me to start to shatter the idea of perfectionism I was holding onto so tightly. Once I did, life changed in beautiful ways. I knew something had to change for me to leave behind what was expected of me and transform into the woman I wanted to be.

I began to recognize how people-pleasing and codependency kept me in situations that no longer served me.

That led to leaving the corporate grind after a quarter century to write a new chapter in my life, literally!

My debut book, 3 Secrets to a Kickass Life, is a manifesto for those looking to live with intention and purpose.

I’m here to say: that you can write your own story too.

I specialize in creating custom experiences for individuals and groups of women ready to discover the true power of self-approval and live a purposeful life.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s work together to unleash your gifts on the world.

Voice of the Heart

Experience the magic of women coming together in a sacred container to rediscover their wholeness, reclaim their voices, and stand in their power to create the life they desire.

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Your Emotions Are Essential...don't underestimate that!

You might think you need a permission slip to chase your wildest dreams but guess what? You don't!

I also know how scary it can be to break the mold and make it okay to want more for yourself. But yearning for a bigger life doesn't mean you aren't grateful for the life you have. It's a beautiful sign that you are ready for more and meant to expand into it.

I'm here to help you unlock that potential and step into the courage to soar.

Living a purposeful life is a personal commitment I’ve made to myself through soulful decision-making and the Art of Self-Approval. And, it's how I serve my clients as well. Getting started is as simple as a phone call. Contact me to learn more.

“Elaine really helped me understand how to handle a situation by looking at it in a completely different light. And teaching me how to change my thoughts around it, and how that can completely change an outcome.”

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