Love Letter #60: Universal Wonder

On this leap day, I received a greeting in my inbox this morning. “Happy Universal Day of Wonder”, it said. I don’t know where the idea of a universal day of wonder came from, but I like it. A lot. I’m just a little perplexed why we would declare that on leap day, since it only comes around every four years and wonder is happening every second of every moment. 

Wonder is all around me. The crocus blooming  in spite of snow and wind, the daffodils, their heads still bowed, waiting for a little more warmth to show their sunshiny faces. Buds on the trees, greening patches of grass, mourning doves calling me awake, and first light much earlier in the morning. 

When I think of wonder, I often think of nature…but there is wonder in everything. How amazing our bodies are, their ability to heal, how the brain works, how my thoughts are transferred through me onto this page. The breath is a wonder in and of itself. 

I was reading from an old Science of Mind Magazine daily guide this morning. It read, “The delivery system of Infinite Wonder works perfectly for me” (SOMM Mar. 2022, p.62). Infinite Wonder is a perfect system and it is here working for me, and you. Let that sink in for a minute.

When I am in the wonder of things, of life, I have nothing to complain about, nothing to be worried or fearful of. These are very different energies and one cannot hold the other. When I feel fear or worry, remembering to invite wonder back in will always bring me back to the present moment, where all is well. 

I have no idea if Universal Day of Wonder is actually a day that anyone celebrates…but  if you decide to, may you find Wonder in all you are and all you do, and may you let Life amaze you today, and every day. Because Infinite Wonder is always working perfectly for me and you. 

With love,

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