Love Letter #109: It’s Not Easy Being Seen
It’s not easy being seen. Nevertheless, vulnerability is a powerful journey towards embracing your authentic self, allowing yourself to be seen without fear or shame. It’s a transformative process that many find challenging. It’s not easy being seen.
I recently had a conversation with someone who shared that they often close their eyes when they cry in front of others, finding it a safer way to express their emotions. I deeply resonate with this sentiment.
There was a time when I would close my eyes when I sang, finding it difficult to maintain eye contact with my audience. The vulnerability of being seen would often overwhelm me, causing me to lose my place in the music or become emotional.
However, I’ve learned to embrace vulnerability in a new light.
I make intentional eye contact with my audience now, connecting with them on a deeper level. Singing is a form of prayer for me, a beautiful expression of love and authenticity. This shift toward embracing vulnerability and finding my voice has been a transformative and empowering journey.
It took a lot of practice, showing up, being okay with messing up and not being afraid of what others think of me. It’s not easy being seen.
Perhaps you’ve experienced something similar. Is there someplace in your life where you once closed your eyes to yourself, shutting yourself off from being truly seen?
Where do you do this now?
What parts of yourself are you not allowing to be fully expressed out of fear?
We all have them.
As a life coach in The Art of Self-Approval™, I support women in embracing their authentic selves; a return to their true nature. To see ourselves without fear of being seen.
I encourage you to embrace vulnerability as a strength rather than interference in your life.
Vulnerability connects us deeply with ourselves and others, allowing our authentic selves to shine through. And through authentic self-expression, we become a beacon for others to express themselves without reservation or shame.
We are here to enjoy the journey of living, and it’s okay to be seen.
With love and encouragement,