Love Letter #71: Thai Orchid Love

I love Mondays! After time in reflection, meditation and prayer, I join a group of freaking amazing women entrepreneurs for deep and meaningful discussions. This month’s topic is “pride,” and the group was asked, “What are you proud of in your business?”

These conversations are both stimulating and nourishing to the soul. As I listened to what each woman was saying, I thought about what I truly feel proud of in this work I do.

I love when clients have that aha moment of self-realization, writing to you every day, and the pleasure of speaking about The Art of Self-Approval. These are all things I am proud of. 

But what I came to realize this morning is that I am most proud of the promises I’ve made and kept to myself, even through challenging times. I’ve been down yet still believe in the importance of serving women in getting clear about what they desire and keeping their promises to themselves. 

I find true self-expression in my work, which brings me joy, feelings like play, and is truly enlivening. I know that I am in service to a higher authority, to Spirit, in service to Love Itself.

Women are often conditioned not to boast about our accomplishments and claim our rightful place in the world. We are taught to compete with one another, and strive for some impossible idea of perfectionism. The perfect mother, partner, daughter, mother…etc. It’s a trap of a patriarchal system that means to keep women playing small and “in their place”. 

As a recovering perfectionist and entrepreneur, I frequently face this challenge, especially when I’ve put my heart into something that doesn’t yield the results I expect. It’s easy to begin to think I’m not good at this or good enough to be good at this. 

That’s my bruised ego talking and not the truth. 

During our discussion, someone shared a profound statement . One I’ve heard before, have shared with my clients, yet needed to hear again: “How dare you have this gift and not share it with the world.” How dare you not share how proud you are of that. It’s a simple but powerful reminder.

We tend to overlook our natural talents and abilities and dismiss them as mere luck. Why shouldn’t we be proud of what comes easily to us? Why not celebrate every aspect of ourselves – the messy, easy, challenging, disagreeable, and wonderful parts of ourselves?

Today, I encourage you to reflect on your own gifts. What comes to you naturally and effortlessly? What activities bring you so much joy you love track of time? What work, current or aspirational, fills you with a sense of playfulness, happiness, and vitality?

Who are you being when you are in this zone of your innate gifts? 

There’s a lovely little Thai restaurant not far from me called Thai Orchid. It’s run by an older couple. Their food is fresh, and made with love…so much so I swear you can taste the love in each bite. The husband is back of the house and the wife is front of house. They are mostly takeout. It’s a tiny place with only two small tables in the dining area. 

After placing an order you are showered with love by the wife. “Thank you honey. I love you honey. Come back again honey. Love you honey.” She also makes sure she puts a bunch of these amazing coconut cookies in the bag. 

These are people who truly know their gifts and share it wildly and widely with anyone who comes into their atmosphere. It’s impossible not to feel good when you visit and when you eat their food. This is Thai Orchid Love. It is fundamental, all-inclusive, and extraordinary in my opinion. 

Sharing your gifts with the world is not arrogance. It is a generous act of service and the very reason you are here.. The couple at Thai Orchid are in service to love through the food they serve and the way they interact with everyone. By honoring and nurturing your innate gifts, you not only enrich your own life, you contribute positively to the lives of others.

Dare to embrace your gifts, to risk living your gifts with Thai Orchid Love. Share your gifts boldly and let your light shine brightly for all to see.

With love,

Often, our inherent gifts look nothing like what we culturally believe we should be doing in the world, and stepping into those gifts can feel scary…what if I fail? If you’re going to look at the worst case scenario, you owe it to yourself to consider the best case scenario as well. What if you fly? Would you love to soar? Let’s connect and come up with a customized plan for you to step into your innate gifts. Book a call.

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