Love Letter #104: There’s No One More Qualified to Be You

You do not need to convince, justify, or defend the knowing of your light, not to anyone.

Rev. Steph St.Amand

Do you ever feel you need to justify yourself to others? Do you find yourself trying to convince others of the choices you make or the life you are living? Do you find yourself continually explaining yourself to others? Do you ever ask yourself why? 

You’re not alone by the way. There was a time when I was so self-conscious I would spend a lot of time and energy trying to convince others that I was “right”. If someone disagreed with me I would explain myself ad nauseam. I was sure I had to make them understand. It must have been exhausting and painful for those on the receiving end. 

The truth is, there’s no one more qualified to be me than me. To know what’s right for me. To shine the light of Love that I am; to be that brilliant light without fear or hesitation. There’s no one more qualified than you to be you. No one. You don’t need a certificate or diploma. You need no permission or approval from anyone else. 

When I began to recognize that the only person who needed to understand me was me, life changed in beautiful ways. Instead of trying to prove I was right and spending a lot of energy in that place, I started to see that we were both right. Me and the person who doesn’t understand. Because we all see life through our own experiences, both the joys and the fears. 

When I was trying to convince others, to get them to understand me I was projecting my fear of being misunderstood.  Life is a giant mirror always reflecting to us what we believe. I believed I needed the approval of others. It took me a long time to recognize this and move through it.

Here’s a perfect example. You are reading this Love Letter in email from me as a life coach. I’m someone you chose to follow. You signed up for this. I am grateful for that, and to share my insights, experiences, and offers here, with you. Many people sign up and many realize this isn’t for them and unsubscribe. There was a time when I took this personally and tried to write in a way that wouldn’t offend anyone. 

You know what happens when you try to be nice to everyone? No one truly gets to know you and what you stand for. As I began to understand this, my writing shifted. Sometimes I am downright preachy and I know it. Because I know you are uniquely qualified to be you, and I want you to experience the freedom and joy of being exactly that. YOU. In all your magnificence. There’s no one to convince but yourself. 

If that offends you, I’m okay with that. I bless you and know you are better served elsewhere. I’m not for everyone. 

Needing to justify, explain, and convince others is a reflection of yourself in the mirror of consciousness. There is no one more qualified to be you than you. Period. Full stop.  

So, I want to circle back to the questions I opened this love letter with and invite you to reflect on them. 

  • Do you ever feel you need to justify yourself to others? 
  • Do you find yourself trying to convince others of the choices you make or the life you are living?
  • Do you find yourself continually explaining yourself to others? 
  • Do you ever ask yourself why? 

With love and empowerment,

Shift your focus from seeking self-improvement to embracing self-approval.
Recognize your worth and confidently own your identity.
Radiate authenticity and attract positivity into your life.
The Art of Self-Approval™ is a powerful approach to personal growth and inner peace.

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