Love Letter #118: When You Only See the First Step
I did a thing. A brave, and beautiful thing. Something I’ve been called to do for some time but I can only see the first step which is exciting and unsettling.
For years now, I’ve been drawn to practical mysticism or metaphysics. I’ve always believed in a higher power, a unifying principle of life. The journey to consciously explore metaphysics started about twenty years ago. It was a difficult time in my life. I’d long since distanced myself from traditional “religion”, nevertheless I was on a journey to discover this connection I’ve felt to everything and everyone.
I eventually found my way to the Science of Mind. Science of Mind brings philosophy, religion, and science together and offers principles for living and spiritual tools for personal and global transformation. I’ve studied this philosophy for nearly a decade now.
A few years ago, I was on course to become a licensed spiritual practitioner in the Science of Mind. The experience was life-changing and I love the philosophy and there was something more calling me. Licensing was not it.
I’ve always thought of my work in the world as a coach, teacher, and writer as my ministry. It’s why I am here. Several years ago, I learned of The University of Metaphysics and this week, I began a course of studies to receive a Bachelor’s degree and ministerial certification in metaphysics.
I’m excited, and I have no idea how this will unfold. I also no longer spend my time and energy trying to “figure things out”. I’ve come to realize that figuring things out isn’t my job. I have to trust my intuition, that inner knowing – that higher power within – and take the first step towards what I desire in life.
There were plenty of times in my life when I ignored my intuition. It didn’t make sense and seemed like the wrong direction. But the more I trust myself, and IT, the more full and fulfilling my life has become.
I’m writing to tell you this for a couple of reasons. First, I’m really excited to share this with you. But more importantly, I want to invite you to trust yourself. Trust the nudges, trust what feels like the right direction, even if it doesn’t make sense. Trust that you don’t have to figure it out, you just have to take that first step.
Most of the time all we can see is that first step, but our brains are busy trying to see the whole picture so we get discouraged and give up. Bluntly put, the brain, in its drive to survive, is a liar.
There’s a part of me that wants to hurry up and get it done. The anxious part of me that worries she’s going to be late to the party and miss something if she doesn’t hurry. I’ve also learned to trust that I won’t miss out on anything that is meant for me. I am pacing myself so I can savor the experience and take it in deeply.
I am certain this latest adventure will change my life and my work again and again.
It is already creating change in my Facebook Community. As much as I love A Difficult Woman Collective, the name of the community and its purpose will shift very soon. More to come as I work through that change.
I believe it was Martin Luther King, Jr. who said, you don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
There’s nothing to rush. You can always hang out on the first step until you can see the next one.
Today, I invite you to take the first step. Whatever it is your heart and soul are seeking, give yourself permission to take that first step. It’s the only one you need to see and as that unfolds you’ll be guided to the next.
With love,
Sometimes the first step is simply to sort out what you truly desire. I can help you with that, and that one simple call can change your life. Plus…it’ll be fun…I promise!