Love Letter #2: The Only Reason You Need…

Today, I simply want you to know…

The only reason you need to love yourself, be yourself, or follow that dream…

…is because you want to.

The only permission you need to do any of this…

…is your own.

If you’re stuck on the self-improvement track, always looking for the next thing to make yourself better…there’s a better way. 

I call it, The Art of Self-Approval™ and you’re invited to step in and join me.

The ‘why’ of it is simple. 

Self-improvement relies on you believing you are not good enough as you are. And that’s a lie. It plays on the perfectionism that is baked into the cultural recipe for ‘success’…no matter how much you ‘improve’ it seems never to be enough. 

Can you relate to this?

What if you decided today that you are already good enough? Period. 

What if you let go of self-doubt and criticism?

What if you simply stopped improving and started approving of everything about yourself…including the things you’ve doubted, judged, and criticized in the past?

I invite you to spend a little time contemplating these questions today. Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up for you, and instead of judging it or making yourself wrong for it…embrace it and let it inform how you move through your day, your week, your life.

Who would you be and what might you create that you are currently holding yourself back from?

Oh, and one more thing. You are never too old and it’s not too late.

With love,

ps: Women Writing Their Lives is the perfect safe and supportive container to explore these questions and more. We begin Jan. 24th…click the button for details and enrollment options.

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