Through the Red Door – a story of healing

This week’s journal entry is a little bit different. I recently shared this poem, Through the Red Door, with a group at my spiritual center. I was a little apprehensive about sharing it. It always feels a bit vulnerable to put my writing out in public and even more so when the writing is deeply personal. Yet, as I did, I found it powerfully freeing. Something I hadn’t expected.

Try not to resist the changes that come your way.

I wrote Through the Red Door several years ago in the early days of my coach training and shortly after leaving my corporate career. It was a time that felt deeply uncertain yet promising and I experienced a lot of doubt and fear. The truth is, part of the motivation for leaving my job was because I was sick and tired of being afraid, of not trusting and going for what I desired most. I set an intention and began a practice of replacing my fear and doubt with curiosity. To get curious about why I think what I think and what thoughts could better serve me in creating a kickass life.

Instead, let life live through you.

One foggy morning I was walking along the river in the village where I live. The fog was so thick I couldn’t see anything across the river except for a red door. A door I’d never noticed before that moment. I began to wonder what was on the other side. Intuitively it felt like the doorway to this next chapter of my life. I imagined myself going through the red door into my new life and was inspired to write this poem.

And do not worry that your life is turning upside down.

It is a poem of healing. A reclamation of the wild child who still lives in me and an honoring of the wise woman I am now. Moreover, it is a return to love. To self-love, and to a deep realization that Love is all there is. That we are all one in this Love. I knew then that loving myself, loving life, and loving others is the way. It is the very foundation of my life now and the work I do as a coach. I am here to serve in love.

How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?

I share this poem today with the hope that it may inspire you to get curious and step through whatever doorway is presenting itself to you knowing that Love is the way.

Through the Red Door

Through the red door I play with the fire of my own truth. The wild child within dreams with reckless abandon; she runs unbound as the wind chasing the sun, vibrant with possibilities. Dancing under the moonlight the musky scent of a summer evening carries her dreams into the cosmos to be made whole.

Through the red door I sing free and powerful into the night. I release my song to be seen and heard for who I am and how I am. My voice lifts high into the trees and gently the leaves sing along. The wild child sings without fear, without doubt, without reservation.

Through the red door, free-spiritedness unleashed, there is laughter, the true song of the soul. My gypsy spirit is hungry for life. My heart beating with the earth’s rhythm, my feet rooted in the sweetness of the soil, the silkiness of moss kisses my toes, the sun blazes at the very core of my being, a flame of life and love.

Through the red door I lie still and feel the pulse of the heavens, divinity, oneness with all creation. I am the ebb and flow of the tide, the strength of the waves crashing upon the sand, the gentleness of the water lapping the shore. I hold the ocean in my heart, the fire of life springs from my womb. I am the giver of life, one with Spirit.

Through the red door the wise woman still lives with reckless abandon. She runs with the wind on her feet, she dreams by the open window, light beams to the sky, the stars dance in her eyes and she knows all is well.

Through the red door is all that is good in life. Love. Touch. Tenderness. Joy. Laughter. I recognize you. We share the same light, you and I. There is no distance between us. We are one consciousness, one with this Universe, one with this Life. My rebel soul will question all there is in life, but this I know to be true. The questions guide me to the red door.

Through the red door, I see you. I know you. For I already know your soul, the depth of your character, the twinkling of your eyes, your love of life, your touch, your kindness, the splendor of your heart. I already know your presence, your true nature.

Through the red door we will meet, we will know, we will be pulled by the  most powerful connection, by Love. I dance in a field of wildflowers, jewels of the earth. I fear nothing. I am open to your love, your soul, to this knowing. It is all there is, it is all here, through the red door.

Copyright © 2019 Elaine Blais

From my heart to yours,

I am here to help you find your way to and through your own red door. Message me for more, or schedule your first session. There’s no long commitment except the one you make to yourself. XO

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

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