What’s Your Inspiration?

As I sat to write today I asked myself, “What’s your inspiration?”. I’ve not posted here in a while and sometimes I’m just not sure what to say even when I feel compelled to write. So, I’m giving myself permission to just write, to suck at it, and see what comes about. Because kickass living is about ditching the need for perfection and showing up for life in every moment.

What’s your inspiration? Mine is life…loving life, and that’s a lot of material to put into a post because life is a vast expanse of experience and feelings and things. It’s messy and beautiful all at the same time. The sunshine that warms me when outside playing with the dog inspires me. The clouds passing by, all puffed out with their frayed edges as they open to each patch of blue. The life and creation that is in front of me in each moment. The crocus now passed and its leaves left behind all munched down by the bunny living under the shed. I wonder if there will babies? The graceful flight of the egret, and budding of my roses.

There is inspiration and beauty everywhere I look, if I choose to see it. The sun creeping in between the sill and the shade at 6am, the sound of the mourning doves calling to each other and calling me awake. What’s your inspiration? Music, dance, laughter, the yoga mat, spiritual practices and stretching my body awake, can all inspire me. The first cup of coffee, the next client call, making connections with inspiring people, the sound of a friends voice on the phone. A hand that lifts me up as I hike and climb, the silent presence of a loved one. Books…always books.

This is the thing about life and inspiration.

I get to choose what inspires me, what lights me up, what I want to create. So do you. Life is creation and each of us is a creator. Life creates through us. Through our thoughts and beliefs and choices. I inspire my life through my intentions for living. Consciously I set the course aligning my thinking and my energy with my intentions. I choose to begin each day knowing that I am never alone, I am always love and loved. That no matter what is going on around me, I find my center in the Creative Spirit within and want to live each moment from this deep and divine place.

I didn’t always live this way though. There was a time when I played the victim plenty, blaming other’s for what was happening or not happening in my life. Believing I didn’t have a choice. Allowing old beliefs and patterns to dictate my life. I became my own abuser in a way, inflicting the pain of old hurts on myself over and over again long after the incident had actually happened. Holding grudges. But I know now, I can choose. I can choose fear or I can choose love.

Loving is the whole point of life.

I can choose to hold on to victim thinking or choose creative and inspired thoughts. I can choose forgiveness, which really has nothing do with anything but setting myself free. This isn’t to say people are right in their wrong, but I’ve been wrong in my right too. Choosing creative inspiration and forgiveness, I’ve become more compassionate towards myself and in the process others. This is an act of self-love and that inspires me to help others find their way to what inspires them.The Beatles were right you know…all you need is Love.

So, dear one, are you choosing to love yourself, to forgive, to live from creative inspiration? What lights you up and what would you love to create?

From my heart to yours,

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3 Secrets to a Kickass Life – empowering women to live into their dreams.

Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

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