Say Yes to the Adventure of Being Alive!

I was prompted to write this post after an experience singing in choir Sunday. I love singing with my entire being. When I hear music, I am easily carried away by the rhythm and melody. On a whim Sunday, the choir director asked me if I’d like to sing solo on one of the pieces we were singing. I was ecstatic and replied with a definite yes. Yes to singing, yes to being alive. We rehearsed a bit and when it came time to sing for the congregation, I forgot some of the words in the middle of the first verse. Yikes!!

My inner perfectionist wanted to run and hide…yet the better part of me, the inner wise self, whispered…look over, find your line, keep going, you’ve got this. Say yes to being alive! This is kickass living. Feeling the fear and doing it anyway. The blessings in this experience are many, not the least of which is the confidence to keep singing and look for more solo opportunities. Bring it on!

Life is art. Your life is your masterpiece! What are you creating?

Everything is a choice. You can choose fear or faith. They’re both risky. They both ask us to believe in what we can’t see. Why not choose to believe in what you want rather than what you don’t want? You may fall down or get hurt, fail, make mistakes or forget your lines. Here’s the thing though. Fear drags you down. When you show up in faith, you rise up in faith. You say yes to the adventure of being alive and become more of who you are here to be. You attract others on the same path who support you and share the journey with you, and you’ll inspire others to choose to have faith in themselves. Isn’t that why we’re here…to be a beacon for one another?

Today, I invite you to live into the fullness of who you are. To choose faith, and…

Be bold. Say yes to what you desire, to what lights you up, to what your heart and soul are calling for. Say yes to the adventure of being alive. Those dreams, desires, and inspiration within you are the reasons you’re here. To live an outrageously joyful life. A kickass life. This also means setting boundaries, saying no when you mean no. Saying no to anything that steals your joy, the distracts you from your goals and dreams.

Be brave. Take the first step. Beginning is always the hardest part, and while there may be some bumps in the road, once you begin you’ve opened the door to infinite possibilities and you are unlimited potential. Go ahead. Choose a color and make the first brush stroke. Don’t worry about how it looks or what anyone else thinks…this is YOUR life. No one can live it for you and no one can live the life you are meant to live but you.

Not everyone will understand you…that’s OK!

Use all the colors. Your colors are your patterns, behaviors, the way you think and believe. Most of us keep making the same choices day in and day out. We want to create something new and more vibrant yet we keep choosing the same old colors. What if you choose to show up differently, to use a new color? Imagine a color you’d love in your life, a color that inspires you. See it and hold it in your mind’s eye. Pay attention to how it makes your body feel. Does it excite you or maybe you feel light and free, or it simply feels like joy. Now, with that sense and feeling of this color in your mind, take one small step towards your dream that feels like that. One. Tiny. Step. Everything you’ve created in your life has brought you to this point…you’ve got this.

Permission to screw up and get it wrong!

Make mistakes. I once was so afraid to make mistakes that a simple mistake, like forgetting the words to my solo, could send me into hibernation for days. I would withdraw from life. I’d ruminate over and over about what I did, how stupid I was, and I’d vow to never put myself in that position again. I thought I had to be perfect, and it freaked me out when things went wrong. Mistakes, screw ups, choices that don’t turn out as we hope, all have the power to make us into something more, something better. When we see mistakes as stepping stones on the path to what we desire, we can replace judgement with curiosity. Then ask, “How is this serving me? How can I improve?”

Don’t waste time trying to erase parts of your life.

Every experience in your life has brought you to now. Each day is a new day, a new opportunity. Create anew from this moment. Experiment. Play. Do all things with love. Love for yourself, for the dreams and inspiration calling from within, and love for all you are no matter how it turns out.

From my heart to yours,

I’d be honored to help you choose your colors and paint your dreams!
Snag your seat for my next workshop!! 3 Secrets to a Kickass Life ~ empowering women to live into their dreams! 

Photo by Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash

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