Want to live a kickass life…live life uncapped!

I’ve been thinking lately about living life uncapped. What would it be like if I (and you) uncapped all our fears, old beliefs, and limiting ideas and lived life wide open. Life uncapped is both an aspiration of mine and a continual work in progress. Here are my thoughts. I’d love to hear yours too.

If you want to pour from a water bottle or fill one up, you have to take the cap off. Right? If you don’t take the cap off of the bottle, nothing can get out or in. You can’t drink from it, nor can you refill it. If there’s water remaining in it, it can become stagnant and unhealthy. Think of your life as that water bottle. To live a kickass life,  a life of unconditional love and outrageous joy, you’ll have to take the cap off.

 How do you know if you’ve left that cap on your life?

It’s quite simple. You’re not completely satisfied with one or more areas of your life as it is right now. Any place you’re feeling stuck, uninspired, frustrated, or otherwise dissatisfied, your cap is on.

For example, maybe you feel you have a lot of problems. Do you spend a lot of time and energy ruminating and talking about them? Time to take the cap off. Stop focusing on them. What you focus on grows. Problems are temporary situations. If you can do something now, do it. Otherwise, let it all go. Are the people you know who focus on problems living a kickass life? Nope. Trust that a solution is always available to you when you need it.

What do you want more of in your life?

Peace…take the cap off your judgments and allow for curiosity instead.

Joy…uncap the joy within you and let it flow.

Abundance…loosen your grip on what you have, give generously and allow yourself to receive. Abundant living is life uncapped.

Compassion…are you being compassionate with yourself? You might want to take the cap off.

Trust…take a good look. Do you trust yourself…really trust yourself to make the choices that feel right to you? You’ll definitely want to take the cap off of that.

Confidence…you might take the cap off your voice and say what you need to say.

Whatever you’re looking for is already within you. You have to choose to uncap it. You can take the cap off of any part of your life that isn’t as fulfilling as you’d like it to be and release it. What if you choose to live life uncapped in your thinking, your attitude, your perceived limitations and open up to possibilities. You can take the cap off what you want more of drink from it; laughter, lightheartedness, playfulness, and happiness. Whatever it is you want in life. The list is endless.

The point is, you have the power to choose to live life uncapped.

You get to decide what and when to take the cap off and live full out, wide open, with outrageous joy. You are also free to leave the cap on, to live life as it is. Just be aware that, like stagnant water, all that energy could stagnate in your body leaving you feeling stuck or uncomfortable at the very least.

Imagine if you take the cap off of your dreams? I know you have them. I have them too. It’s OK if you don’t want to admit it. You are a creative being. It’s why you’re here. There is always something more wanting to emerge through you. What if you uncap your fears and allow you dreams to flow freely to and through you and your life?

Most importantly, take the cap off your heart.

Love is an unlimited reservoir within you. There’s no need to save it for later and you can’t possible run out. The more love you give to yourself the more you have to give to others. To love fully and unconditionally, you have to live life uncapped. It’s risky. I know. But it’s risky either way. If you leave the cap on, you deny yourself and others the fullness of love and life you are capable of giving and receiving. In a sense you reject your own love. And, loving is the whole point of life.

There is a part of you that already lives life uncapped. Your soul. That Creative Spirit alive within you is unlimited potential waiting for you to tap in, if you’re willing to take the cap off. You can hear it’s whisper if you slow down, be still and listen. You’ll feel it calling you forward, to live life uncapped, wild, free, and completely in alignment with all you came here to be. Don’t you think it’s time to honor who you truly are? Are you willing to take the cap off?

From my heart to yours,

Live Your Kickass Life…start here!! 3 Secrets to a Kickass Life – Workshop. Fun and powerful way to jumpstart you own kickass life!!

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

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