Love Letter #146: What Do YOU See in the Mirror

I spent a gorgeous Saturday morning walking the arts and crafts fair in Pawtuxet Village. It’s an annual event on Memorial Day weekend and the number of artists and crafters has grown significantly over the years. Jewelry paintings, candles, dog treats and collars, baby needs, and all sorts of other fairs. 

Now living in a small space, I rarely bring anything home but I love to browse and talk with the artists. I thought I might find a pair of earrings, but nothing really spoke to me. 

What did speak to me I couldn’t take home.

It was this large oval mirror with a white frame. The perimeter of the glass was decorated with seashells, starfish, and glittery glass in blue, white, and turquoise that shimmered like the ocean. It was stunning…and lucky for me I don’t have a place for it otherwise I might have bought it. 

I captured it in this photo along with the lower two-thirds of my image. This got me thinking. This mirror is gorgeous to look into, what do I see of myself when I do? 

When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see?

Do you even look at yourself in the mirror…or do you just glance and skim over what you believe are flaws and imperfections?

It’s a question worth asking ourselves, myself included.

The truth is you are made in the image and likeness of the Divine. Period. The Universe doesn’t make mistakes. Your physical body is a sacred vessel to be celebrated and cherished, regardless of size, shape, or anything else. You are meant to be uniquely you, and that’s what I invite you to see in the mirror. 

Imagine if you will you are standing in front of this dazzling mirror and when you look into the eyes of the person staring back at you, you see the reflection of the most dazzling human. 

The mirror isn’t a vehicle for seeing what we don’t like and hating ourselves. The mirror is a tool we can use to see the glory of the Divine as us. To see the face of God as it appears as me and you in this human experience. 

I believe the mirror reflects the sacredness of our being; perfect just as we appear.

With love,

Join me for 10 days jam-packed with joy, independence, self-care, empowerment, and connection…and that awesomeness of you! I won’t ask you to look in the mirror…but I will help you adjust your lens.

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