How Much Fun Can I Have?

It’s Sunday morning. I’m singing a solo at my spiritual center. It’s a song I love and I’ve been joyfully singing it all week. It’s nicely in my vocal range and I can be a little sassy with it. Oh, la la! This is me. I love that. Then, in a moment I feel some nervousness, a little jittery inside. My body and throat tense a bit. Fear. Fear of screwing it up in some way. I know this fear; perfectionism. I inhale deeply, give it to spirit and ask myself, “how much fun can I have doing this?” Because fun and joy are what this is all about. So, make a joyful noise!

I stepped into that song and let it go.

Freedom is the best word to describe what I felt. I let go and allowed sheer joy to be present without a thought of sounding good or not good. I showed up as me. Fully. Authentically. I sing to raise my own vibration. To be joy and have fun in my day, in my life. It’s become part of my daily spiritual practice. I sing to raise the vibration of the community present on Sunday mornings, to express and share the joy that I experience using my voice.

In her book, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, Edwene Gaines writes, “The easiest way to make a plan up is to ask yourself, ‘What would be the most fun thing I could do with my life?’” That, she says, “Is your divine purpose.” How much fun can I have? As much as I choose to allow to flow through me.

How much fun can you have?

What truly lights you up? The song I sang on Sunday is That Good Thing, by Erin McGaughan. The first line is this: You’ve got to be the light, if you want to see the light. Truth – yours and mine. Whatever you feel you want more of in your life, you must be it to see it. Ghandi said, “Become the change you wish to see in the world.” What is it you desire most? Peace perhaps. Then you must become the consciousness of, the embodiment of peace. The practice of peace within yourself must be your priority ALL of the time.

This doesn’t mean you are peaceful all the time. None of us is perfect, yet. When someone cuts you off in traffic how do you respond? Or pulls into that parking spot you were aiming for. Maybe you think someone was rude to you? Is your response peaceful and compassionate…or not so much? How much fun can you have being peace, holding the consciousness of peace, and not allowing yourself to be pulled off center. The same is true with anything you desire to experience in your life…abundance, joy, love, harmony and so on.

How much fun can I have?

In each moment, in every experience, just how much fun can I have? I want to be clear, this isn’t about having fun at someone’s expense. Never, ever. Remember, we attract to us what we are…we reap what we sow. I’m referring to the joy and excitement of living into the best version of yourself. The freedom to show up fully, authentically, lovingly — even if that comes with some fear. What would that feel like in every moment. These are the questions I ask myself today, this day after showing up to sing in a way that I never have before.

Can you recall a time when you did something in the face of fear and after you did it, you knew that you were changed for the better and for good. No going back. In fact, you may have wanted more of that. More of that better you…more self-acceptance, more self-love, more self-realization. How did that feel? Intoxicating or uplifting? Inspired perhaps?

Believe in yourself

We are so much more powerful than we’ve been led to believe. We have adopted so many ideas about who we are supposed to be and most of us never stop to question who we truly are. What I know is this. You and I are divinely human. We are spiritual beings. There’s no getting around this any longer. Science is proving spirituality more and more every day.

The more I live this principle, the more I affirm my own divinity, the more I know it is in everyone, without exception. We are vibrational energy and we attract to us what we are…like a magnet. The higher the vibration the more joyful our lives. Oh, in case you’re wondering, there’s no good in beating yourself up when you don’t get it right. It isn’t necessary for us to suffer to be happy and we’re always doing the best we can in the moment. What if you decide to love yourself no matter what? How much fun could you have doing that?

You know the truth by the way it feels

I invite you to turn inward and contemplate what brings you joy. How much fun can you have? What will you be doing? Allow yourself to be still, whether in meditation or in nature, or wherever you feel connected to the source of your life, and get into the energy of what you want. Visualize it. Above all, feel the energy of it. Then…allow your inner wisdom to direct you to the first tiny step on the path. Whatever that is. Go, do that. With each step, you’ll discover something new and exciting about yourself and your life. You’ll receive another bit of divine information to guide you on your way.

How much fun can I have? Exactly as much as I allow myself to have – no more, no less. The same is true for you. How much fun do you want to have? Be that.  

From my heart’s song to yours,

How much fun can you have? Let me be your coach and find out. Now accepting new, sliding scale clients. There has never been a better time to change your thinking and change your life! Schedule a complimentary discovery call!

Photo by Lubomirkin on Unsplash

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