Forgiveness Is Freedom

In my last blog, How Much Fun Can I Have, I mentioned The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity by Edwene Gaines. I’ve been studying this book for the past few weeks along with my spiritual community. We’ve come to the chapters on forgiveness and I’ve been doing a good deal of reflection on this. Up until now, I’d not been practicing forgiveness as much as I could. At times, forgiveness feels hard. Truth is, forgiveness is freedom.  

“When you need an apology, give yourself one” ~Byron Katie

Gaines has a nightly practice of asking in prayer, “Who have I left outside my heart today?” Where have you or I chained ourselves to anger, resentment, bitterness, or maybe a little revenge? Most of us are dragging old hurts around with us waiting for someone else to relieve them from us. The only person who can break the chain of unforgiveness for me is me. Same for you my dear friend.

Think about a hurt you’re carrying with you, even a small one. How does it make you feel? I hear you…”I feel angry” you say. And, it’s OK to feel anger, to acknowledge that you are angry. I invite you to notice how your body feels as you think about this hurt and anger. Feeling heavy? Tense or rigid? Weighed down? Unforgiveness binds us energetically to the past. Is this how you want to feel? The choice is yours.

Forgiveness is power

Forgiveness is freedom to be who we are here to be. I was talking with a client recently about the power of choice. We all have the freedom to choose. To choose our thoughts and how we respond to life. If nothing else, you can use your power to forgive yourself for all unforgiveness you’ve been holding onto. Forgive yourself for reliving hurtful events over and over again, essentially causing your own suffering. This is a beautiful beginning to a practice in forgiveness.

Forgiveness is compassion

Compassion for yourself and the other. We are all doing the best we can and each of us has made mistakes along the way. Remembering that none of us is perfect and we’re all doing our best in the moment is liberating. The moment we see ourselves in the other is the moment we find compassion for everyone who has ever hurt us, and ourselves for any hurt we’ve caused. This is true power.

Forgiveness is strength

Ghandi said, “Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.” There is tremendous strength and courage in breaking the patterns in your life that no longer serve you. We are not condoning the behavior of others, however we are freeing ourselves from the negative energies that bind us to them. There is great strength in becoming the heroine of your own life.

Forgiveness is prosperity

The abundance of the universe is extravagant and we are free to choose to be happy and well and prosperous. Imagine you’re walking around with your hands full of stuff and you see a $100 bill on the ground. You’ve got to put that stuff down to pick up the cash. Right?! Forgiveness clears our minds so that we can give our attention to what we desire in life and opens our hearts to welcome in all the good.

Forgiveness is love

Emotional and spiritual growth requires us to empty ourselves of our stories of suffering and blame, of resentment and self-righteousness if we truly desire the fullness of love to blossom in our lives. This emptying happens over time as we observe and notice ourselves. As we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings and practice over and over again, as Edwene does, reflecting on who we’ve left outside of our hearts today. Forgiveness is the highest form of love.

Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?” ~Rumi

Today is a new day, a new experience, and we can only live this new experience fully when we’re willing to release the past. Forgiveness breaks the chains that bind us and opens the door of our self-imposed prison. Forgiveness is freedom and the power to forgive is ours.

Life is love and love is life. In my experience, it is impossible to love life if I am holding onto past hurt and unforgiveness. To those who forgive, much is given because forgiveness unlocks the prison door and sets us free. Why not set yourself free?

From my heart to yours,

Ready to forgive…to let go, to change your story and change your life? I can support you on your way. Let’s talk!

Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

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