How Confident Are You?

We all want to move through life with confidence, poise, and faith in ourselves. Right? How confident are you?

Here’s what I believe.

You have, within you, more confidence than your human mind is capable of comprehending. You are connected to, and are one with, an infinite wellspring of confidence. Yet, we tell ourselves we need more or want more confidence. This line of thinking won’t bring us to realizing greater confidence because we become what think and believe.

How confident are you?

In my experience, and my experience with clients, we all desire to step beyond our fears and allow the confidence within us to move us through the waters of fear, doubt and our insecurities around what we believe others will think. To do this, we’re going to want to change what we believe about confidence in general. That it doesn’t come from any outside source, any other person or event. Confidence lives within us right here and now.

Your life isn’t truly your own if you worry about what others think

Besides, other’s think is not my business, or yours. We each have our own perception of reality and truth. No one has the same lens on the world as me or you. I’m one of 5 children all raised in the same house with the same parents yet we each see life in our own way. As the eldest, I have a unique perspective on my parents. I was the first, I broke them in…haha! I was, for a short time, the only one for them to care for. None of my siblings experienced life in this way, nor did I experience it as they did.

How confident would you like to be?

All the confidence you could ever want, the confidence to express the beautiful soul that you are is within you right now. How confident are you? What would you love to experience? How do you express your commitment to the Spirit within you? The choice is yours.

Here’s a quick 5 minute practice to greater confidence

  • Inhale and exhale deeply for 3 – 5 breaths then allow your breath to return to its natural rhythm and as you do, bring your attention to your mind’s eye, the third eye
  • Visualize your confident self…your higher self or Sacred Self. Your Sacred Self is the bigger, braver, more creative you that you know is within you.
  • Imagine yourself standing confidently…loving this version of you and see yourself moving through your day as this confident, Sacred Self.
  • Now, recognize that this is who you are…right in this moment.

This is so beautiful!

Do you know why? Because there’s no striving for confidence, nothing to try to get, to look for, to wait for. You can relax and be yourself. Just you, being the radiant authentically confident being you came into the world as. Are you willing to remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?

How confident are you now? Stand confidently. Love yourself. Allow your light to shine as only you can.

From my confident heart to yours,

Build your confidence in life with this 21 Day Gratitude Practice and Jump Start Your Kickass Life!! February 1-21. Its a no costs fun exploration into expanding your consciousness and living your best life! SIGN UP TODAY!

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

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