Living Your Kickass Life™…what?

I believe we are all meant to live outrageously joy-filled lives. If you’ve been here a while, you’ve heard me say this before. I’ve been asked what this means to me. What does Living Your Kickass Life mean? So, I thought I would to speak to that today, because to begin with, it’s about living from conscious awareness of our thoughts, beliefs, and choices and savoring the details of everyday life.

Life is what you make it…why not make it grand?

Maybe this sounds too simplistic to you, or maybe you think this is impossible. Life is hard, you say. Perhaps you believe you, or parts of you or your life, are broken and need mending. I beg to differ. You and I and everyone on this planet are here by divine appointment. We are meant to be here, meant to bring the light of our Spirit to the forefront. We are meant to express joy in everything we are, we do, and have.

You’re doubtful. I respect that. Honestly, I do. I know that what you believe is true, is true for you. We all see life through our own lens, and I’m not here to change your mind. I am here to invite you to consider a few things about this life you live, about who you are, about why you’ve chosen to come here. Yes. I believe we all chose to be here. We came here for the expression and expansion of life itself as only we can see it, live it, be it. We are life living itself into being. What would Living Your Kickass Life look like for you ?

Let your heart guide you.

This, dear heart, takes great courage in a world that wants us to conform, to stay in line, to be ‘normal’, to follow the crowd and adhere to ‘popular opinion’. It takes courage to choose you and practice being your divine self in all situations…and I mean all. Most of us say we want a more peaceful world, a more love filled world, a more joyful and harmonious world. To live in the world we desire we must give these qualities to ourselves first. We must become the change we wish to see. It’s the only way. As within, so without…our external experience is a direct reflection of our internal world of thoughts, beliefs, habits, and the like.

Change can be uncomfortable, messy, and oh so beautiful.

You are a powerful, creative, spiritual being – perfect just as you are. Could the brokenness you feel within yourself simply be your Spiritual essence begging to be seen, struggling to rise to the surface from beneath the current of a culture that would prefer your divine self remain silent? One of my favorite mystics, Dr. Suess wrote, “why fit in when you were born to stand out?” Indeed, why? What would you love to be and do in this life? What would it mean for you to Live Your Kickass Life? Who would you be?

What are you waiting for?

Each life, mine, yours, and everyone else’s is a spiritual life. We are all connected to one, infinite intelligent life that expresses uniquely as me and you. Each one is here to bring good into the world by means of their own lives. To bring about good in your life is to add more good into the world. This is not a popular concept in a world of competitiveness, a world that sells us on insecurity and scarcity. Yet, in the words of the Persian poet and Sufi master Rumi…

What you seek is seeking you.

The source of good is always available because the source of good lies at the center of our being. The gifts of life, love, joy, peace, harmony, abundance are ever present and always available. It’s up to us to open our hearts and minds, to expect, accept, and receive the gifts. Living Your Kickass Life is a practice in receiving the gift that you are, right now.

This is powerful. This is what Living Your Kickass Life means to me. Living into the fullness of who you came here to be. It’s big…you’re big…in the spiritual sense. You are always connected to an infinite and wildly creative presence, an intelligence that is always present at the center of your being. It is always here guiding you, if you become still and listen.

Are you willing to consider that you are a powerful, creative, spiritual presence in the world? That your life is a powerful force for good in this lifetime? What are you willing to discover about yourself?

From my heart to yours,

As a powerful, creative, spiritual life coach, I am passionate about supporting you on your journey. I want to be your coach.

Join me…upcoming workshops and events!

Photo by Preslie Hirsch on Unsplash

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