A Stranger on a Park Bench

I was recently in conversation with someone who shared that they would like their limiting old story to be unrecognizable. Now, I am a very visual person and this idea was so intriguing to me, it instantly came to life in pictures. A picture of my limiting old story sitting on a park bench as I walked by, each of us unrecognizable to the other. What if my old story, and yours, was simply a stranger on a park bench?

What is a limiting old story? Anything we tell ourselves that makes us feel small, unloved, unvalued, unworthy or limited in any way. Unhealthy habits, anything that stops us short of living into the fullness of the powerful, creative beings we came here to be. I’ll bet you can think of at least one right now!

Could you imagine your old story as a stranger

You are out walking on a gorgeous warm day in your favorite local park or outdoor space. A space where other people gather and are out and about as well. The temperature is just as you like it and the bright sunshine warms your body and soul. You pass by a park bench and there is a stranger sitting there. Unbeknownst to you, it’s your limiting old story. Perhaps it’s your ‘not enough self’ or your ‘scarcity self’? No matter what limiting old story you choose, underneath it is a general sense of unworthiness.

For me, much of the limiting old story I tell myself is about lack or scarcity. This comes up for me in lots of different ways and each is an opportunity to practice love in the moment. Loving myself. Loving other. While it continues to surface on occasion, I am able to move beyond the feeling more quickly than I once could imagine. Faith and trust that everything is always working out for me, and a knowing that I always have more than enough and all the I need are the new programming I practice.

Most of us are far too busy holding on to unworthiness

I’m sure most of you have walked through a park and taken notice of others as you stroll along. You pass by, smile at each other, and go on your way without a second thought. I’ve done this thousands of time.

So, as you pass by this limiting old story, this stranger on the park bench, you simply offer a smile of goodwill and receive one in return. Perhaps you offer a silent blessings. Then, you go on your way without any attachment at all.

Easy. Yes?

It seems too easy for us to pass by another human without a second thought, yet we are less likely to pass by our old stories in this way. We are way too busy holding onto our unworthiness and replaying over and over again what we believe we are not enough of.

So, here is my opportunity and yours to imagine what, up until now, may have been unimaginable. To take an old story, one that keeps us from living fully into who we are, and distance ourselves from it in order to see ourselves in a new, more empowering way.

See your limiting old story as a stranger on a park bench

As I did this for myself, I was moved to envision this stranger as a silhouette, a sort of nothingness. I thought, what might this stranger think of me passing by? I imagined her seeing my higher self, my Sacred Self passing by her and in this vision, she watches me pass with admiration. She sees the loving, radiant, abundant, confident, poised and joyful woman I am. I feel this, and see it too. I imagine how I appear to her, and more importantly to me, without this old story. Free. Lighthearted.

Isn’t this what we all want? To be free to move about the world experiencing a deep love of life? To live an outrageously joyful life, confidently, with unlimited buoyancy – illuminated with love and light.

As I continue on, I feel her smile in appreciation. A stranger now, we have no idea how interconnected we once were. I pass without a second thought. No longer needing to attach myself to this old story, to be triggered by it, to dwell in it. It was never who I was, only a shadow of something I’d come to believe about myself. None of it true or real.

Evolving requires eliminating

What limiting old story would you like to break free of? What old story would you like to be completely unrecognizable to you and you to it? Imagine it as a stranger on a park bench and you walk by as the highest version of yourself you can imagine.

How would you like your old story to see you now? Go ahead…think big, feel the grandeur your Sacred Self. This is who you truly are…right now, in this moment. As you come to see this higher version of you, know that you can choose to live as that right now. This version of you is available in this very moment. There is no need to hesitate. Simply ask yourself, what would she do in any situation, in each and ever moment? Then, do that!

Who are you now? I invite you to imagine, and share your stranger on a park bench story. I know it will inspire others.

From my heart to yours,

DARE TO DREAM with me!! 2020 Vision Board Workshop. Saturday, January 11, 2020 in Warwick, RI. Visualize your Sacred Self and make strangers of your old story!

Photo by Kaspars Eglitis on Unsplash

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