Gift of My Life

Christmas has come and gone. It was a magically beautiful week in my life. Today, I’m in my office, reflecting and thankful for all the love in my life. I am thankful to wake each morning in gratitude knowing that life is meant to be lived joyfully, that I am that joy. Knowing I get to choose how I want to show up in each moment, I choose to give myself the joy and love I desire – to be it in every moment. I am the gift of my life.

You are the gift of your life. I invite you to consider this idea as we move into the new year. What gifts do you want to be, to share, to express as we turn a new decade? This might seem like an odd question, to think about being the gift of your own life. There was a time when I would have thought that too. I once believed that life happens to me and I’m just here to endure it, and hope there will be joyful moments peppered here and there. Then…I began to wake up. To understand that whatever I wish to experience is completely up to me because life happens from the inside out. To discover, deeply, that my life is entirely up to me.

The gift of my life is me

This wasn’t an easy concept to accept at first. It’s so much easier to blame others or circumstances for any unhappiness I experience. In doing this however we give away our power to choose the life we desire to live. I’m here to play the heck out of this game of life. I believe you are too! To live into the fullness of who we came here to be and this my darling friend requires that we take full responsibility for everything in our lives. Every. Thing. Everything I experience comes from within me…from my own state of consciousness.  

Whether I label it good or bad, it’s all a mirror. As within, so without. If I believe I am poor then life gives me evidence to support that. If I choose to believe in abundance and prosperity, then that is what I shall experience. When I think of all the gifts, and love, and food, the hugs and kind words, all the acts of kindness I experienced over this holiday season with loved ones, family, friends and strangers, I know that I live an abundant life. As long as I choose this, the universe will continue to demonstrate more abundance in my life.

Talk to yourself like you would someone you love

The other night, I dreamt I was in a conversation with people I love about the power of our words and thoughts. How most people, me included (although I am much more conscious of this now), are unaware of what we are actually speaking into being in our lives. We say things without really considering what we are inviting in or how we are blocking out what we truly desire. This awareness and practice is true empowerment and it is my passion and purpose in life to teach what I have learned.

I am the gift of my life. The gift is mine when I recognize how powerful I am in creating the life I desire, and take full responsibility for it. Think of it this way. Love begets love. If you want love, you must be it. Peace within creates peace without. Gratitude brings about more to be grateful for. You and I get to choose our thoughts, our words, and create that which we desire…right now. Right in this moment. There’s nothing to wait for. You are already that which you seek.

The sound of your laughter is sunshine to the world

You, dearest magical soul, are the gift of your life. The choice is entirely yours. You get to give yourself the love you are seeking. So, what would you like life to show you in 2020? What is it you want to feel and experience? Become that and you will attract it into your life. It’s really that simple. It is we who complicate it with lots of reasons – excuses – why we are the way we are and life isn’t fair or kind. We have forgotten that we are the gift, that we are already everything we desire to be…if we simply open our hearts and allow ourselves to express it.

My invitation to you today is threefold…

1) Reflect and spend some time contemplating the gift of yourself to your life and what this means to you. Look how far you’ve come in life, how well you’ve navigated life up until now. Take time to honor all you are in this very moment and the magic of your own ‘beingness’ in this beautiful life you get to live.

2) Consider how you want to show up in 2020 and beyond. Who do you want to be in this new year, this new decade? Get in touch with how it feels to be that version of you, and set your intentions to show up as this higher, grander version of you – your sacred self.

3) Lastly, become aware of yourself talk and habits. Awareness is the first step to changing anything and our self-talk is a great place to begin making changes. What are you telling yourself? Is this coming from your sacred self or are you acting out of old habits and patterns? Is this what your sacred self would choose to say or believe? Each moment is an opportunity to become more…to step into the fullness of who you came here to be. Do that…moment by moment.

Appreciate the moment

Showing up to life as your sacred self takes practice…and it takes a commitment from you for you. A commitment that only you can choose from one moment to the next. It also takes a great deal of self-compassion and self-forgiveness when we think we didn’t get it right. It’s all a beautiful work in progress, an epic adventure into being fully you.

Repeat after me; I am the gift of my life and  I am worthy of everything I desire. It’s my birthright. It is why I am here!

The more you show up as the gift of your life, the more you give others permission to do the same. Shine your light and you will light the way.

I want you to have it all, and I’m here to support you on your journey.

From my heart to yours,

READY TO ROCK 2020!!! Dare to Dream with me…2020 Vision Board Workshop, Jan. 11th. Get all the delicious details here!

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

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