You Gotta Have a Dream

When I was 9, my Brownie troop learned and performed the song Happy Talk from the musical South Pacific. To this day I remember the words especially this; “You got to have a dream, if you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true”. We all have dreams. Those yearnings deep down to be, do, or have something more or something more fulfilling in life. I believe our dreams and desires are assigned to us by a higher power, by Spirit, Creative Intelligence, God, or whatever name you choose. This is what we are designed for!

And, we all have a box of BS.

Belief Systems that we’ve learned and internalized over time. In the box are things we think we should do and be, our stories about who we’ve become based on our past experience and how that has shaped us or limits us from living fully into our being. Our box of BS is programming. Our stories live here along with our doubts, fears, and worries. It’s our job in this lifetime to become disruptors of our stories, to become a rebel in our own mind. To break through and live life outside this box and live into our dreams.

All of this takes courage, daring. Daring to be who you truly are meant to be. It matters not who approves, or what other’s think. It matters that you bring forward that which makes you come alive. That which brings you joy. Want to know a secret? Your aliveness brings others alive. As your joy expands so does the joy in the world. Your happiness is my happiness, and vice versa.

So what’s that thing deep down that you are dreaming of?

The thing you keep secret because you think it’s selfish, it’s too grandiose, not grand enough, or it’s ‘not practical’. If you, like me, learned to believe that having more meant someone has less, it’s all BS, and I don’t mean belief system here. Your expansion, your good, your abundance, your fulfillment only adds to the good, the abundance, the fulfillment and joy in the world…in the universe! Consider that by living into your dreams, you’re doing me and everyone else a favor. Thank you! You are mighty!

I invite you to dance with your dreams. To listen to the calling of your heart. Believe your potential is limitless. It is. I invite you to live a kickass life by taking steps to live into your dreams. Imagine you are, right now, the person living that dream, pursuing a life of purpose and meaning. What one thing would you do differently today? Just one small change, one small step can lead you on your way. What are you willing to discover about yourself? I believe in you…and I really want to know.

Dive deeper into living your kickass life! Join me via Zoom Thursday, November 15th for 3 Secrets to a Kickass Life – empowering women to live into their dreams. This workshop is free, but you have to register.

From my heart to yours,

Photo by fotografierende on Unsplash

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