Fear or Love…the choice is yours

Next week is election week for most of us. I know some of you live in more progressive places and have already cast your vote. Still, I think for most of the country, we’ll be lining up on Tuesday to make our choices. I’ve been thinking about this from the perspective of wanting to see a more loving, accepting, and peaceful world. Will you vote out of love or fear?

I hear so much about being part of ‘the resistance’ to what we don’t want and I believe most of this comes from a well-meaning place. At the same time it feels misguided and incongruent with what I believe most of us actually desire.

What you resist persist. Your thoughts and what you give your attention to are your creative power. Einstein said, “A clever person solves problems. A wise person avoids them.” The more we push against ‘the problems’, the more ‘resistance’ we give to something we don’t want, the more energy we give it. It’s like pouring gasoline on a fire. We don’t put out the fire, we just add to it. Imagine, right now, we all turn away from the resistance for just a moment and instead put our energy into that which we want to create? When I imagine this I feel a giant, collective sigh of relief as we all allow ourselves to breath and let go.

What would you love to welcome into this space that once was held by resistance?

Each day, each moment really, we have a choice to create new rather than resist the old. To become the change we wish to see in the world. Change happens from the inside out. We attract what we are, not what we want. As within, so without. To create a more peaceful world, I must become a more peaceful being. What we believe about ourselves, about the world, creates our experience of it. What if, each day, you take a moment to center yourself, to go within and to connect with this deeper part of yourself, this creative place and live from there?

I know people who wake up every day and ask themselves, “I wonder what magic will happen today? What awesome things are going to happen today?” They live from that creative place, in joyful anticipation of good. And you know what? Awesome things happen. They aren’t ignorant to the happenings in the world, they simply don’t give their energy or themselves over to the problems, and rather live in the world of solutions, possibilities, potential, and most of all love.

I invite you to think about this as you cast your votes.

Are you voting FOR what you want? Or, are you voting against what you don’t want. I realize this may, to some, seem like silly semantics. I assure you it has a far greater impact than that. When voting for what we want, we come from a place of love. If we’re voting against what we don’t want, we are coming from a place of fear. If you truly want to create a more peaceful loving world, in invite you to feed the love not the fears. Choose love.

Thanks for voting. It matters. You matter.

From my heart to yours,

Ready to live more from love and create a kickass life? Join me for 3 Secrets to a Kickass Life – empowering women to live into their dreams!

Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash

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