Your Personal Success Announcement…What’s Your PSA?

What’s your PSA today? No, I’m not taking about anything medically related nor do I mean public service announcement, although in a way, your PSA does serve the public. Your PSA is your Personal Success Announcement. Sharing your solutions, possibilities, wins and personal successes. As a coach, it often takes a little while to get a client to recognize how much time they spend talking about, and ultimately reinforcing, what they believe are their limitations. What if we start, right now, talking about our PSA’s.

What’s your PSA today?

Here’s mine today. I’m in year 3 of my coaching practice and up until the last few months of 2018, I hadn’t quite settled into my purpose, my gifts. At a women’s networking meeting today I owned it…all of it…Life Coach, Positivity Practitioner, Happiness Warrior, Speaker and Writer. I owned this quote I posted yesterday – if you hang out with me long enough I will brainwash you into believing in yourself and thinking you can do anything. It’s not my quote however THIS IS ME!! I came away from that meeting energized and with a contact for potential client referrals. Life, and what we want is all about the energy we bring to it.

I know, right. Isn’t this bragging?

Yeah, baby! And so what. I know, we’ve been told it’s wrong to think too much of ourselves. That’s someone else’s story about who they are. You and I can decide to believe something different. Besides, what do you really want to create in your life? More things to brag about or more things to complain about. You’re not going to achieve the former if you’re stuck in the latter.

I went to see Bohemian Rhapsody recently. Freddie Mercury didn’t have any problem claiming his gifts and telling people he was born to be a star. If he’d spent his life arguing for his limitations, I doubt there would be a movie about his life. This applies whether you want to be famous or not. This quote from author and spiritual teacher Matt Kahn says it well, “Empowerment is realizing you are the one who needs to say the things you’ve waited your entire life to hear.” So, seriously, love all over yourself. Give yourself whatever it is you want to hear.

What do you need to hear?

Claiming this for myself, owning my gifts, and no longer being afraid to say so is quite freeing, and inspires me to continue to move deeper in that direction. Another PSA for me! What’s you PSA? What do you want to give yourself credit for, share as a win, love on yourself about? Maybe it’s as simple as noticing what you’re thinking. Maybe sharing your PSA is something you’d rather do privately, in your journal or with a close friend. Have at it.

Start today. Right now. Talk yourself up. First, to yourself. Stop being afraid. Stop playing small. You are mighty! You are a mighty love. If it feels a bit uncomfortable start small. Talk about one thing you love about yourself. Easy, right. What’s your PSA? If you’re willing to share, I’d love to know…allow me to love on you, too!

Not sure what your PSA is, or how to begin talking yourself up? Or maybe you’re curious about what this life coaching practice is all about. I’m gifting a few coaching sessions this month to help you start Living Your Kickass Life ™ in 2019. No selling, no commitment, no obligation. Just me, listening to you, reflecting back what I hear to move your forward. Openings are limited…message me to claim one!

From my heart to yours,

Today is the last day for Early Bird Registration!! 8 Weeks to Living Your Kickass Life ™
Group coaching starts January 24, 2019. This program is virtual…you can join from anywhere.

Workshop: 3 Secrets to a Kickass Life ™ – empowering women to live into their dreams returns to Essence Yoga, Sunday, February 10th! Details & Registration here! 

Photo by Brittney Burnett on Unsplash

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