We Are All Misfits…and it’s a wonderful life!

As you might have guessed from recent posts, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer is one of my favorite holiday shows. As a child, I couldn’t wait for it to be on television, and I still make a point to watch it at least once during the holidays. It made me so happy when they reached the Island of Misfit Toys. Being misfit resonates with me. How about you? We are all misfits if you think about it. Each one of us is uniquely brilliant and gifted with our own inner magnificence. We’re not meant to be normal, to fit in, to follow the crowd – we are all misfits and that what makes for a wonderful life.

Normal is for people without courage

There is no time like the present to be who you truly are. After all this life is short and you are meant to experience it joyfully. It takes courage to be yourself in a world that is constantly telling you, in a million ways, to be ‘normal’.  I believe uniqueness or eccentricities are expressions of our divinity, the source of all that is. And, I know all the courage and confidence you need is within you. What if you love your eccentricities? You, my dearest, are here to express them.

Ever think; I’m too short, too tall, too sensitive, too fat, too poor, too loud, too quiet, or anything else you or others feel you are too much of? Come on…you know you have. We all have. We compare ourselves with others, with what they have, what they do, and who we think they are. This is a dangerous habit that keeps you from being, well…you. I know. I did this for a long time, and I still catch myself, and honestly it is exhausting and there’s no joy in it. “If you’re always trying to be normal, you’ll never know how amazing you can be”, said the wise and remarkable Maya Angelou.

You are here to experience outrageous joy

I’ve been listening to The Dangerous Old Woman by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, and she invites us to look at our eccentricities, the things that are different about you, the things that people may laugh at or ridicule, things people think are weird about you. These she says are our magic, our gifts. They are the very things that make each of us unique and magnificent.

I know many of us are taught to follow the crowd, to sit still, to speak only when spoken to, to simmer down and buckle down, and many other things that have sucked the joy out of our lives. Are you trying to be a Jack in the Box when in truth you’re Charlie in a Box? Or perhaps your ‘misfit-ness’ is a desire to live outside the box completely. Whatever your uniqueness is, it is all perfectly perfect. All of it! You are perfect in all your weirdness. Please don’t ever forget this.

Normal is a dryer setting

Normal is a dryer setting, not a way of life. If you’re always trying to be normal, you’ll never live the kickass life you’re intended to live. Let’s be clear about something else. You’re not broken, and you don’t need to be fixed, nor do you need to add things to your life to be you. You have nothing to earn or to prove to live a joyful life. Living a kickass life is a practice in letting go of the things that you are not, and giving yourself permission to fly your misfit flag – whatever that means for you. Because, we are all misfits, and it’s a wonderful life.

Today, you and I step into a new year, a new beginning. As you do, I invite you to welcome and honor your eccentricities, open your heart to those things that make you different. Make a list. Write them down. Share them with someone you love and trust. Embrace them and celebrate them. Throw yourself a party in their honor. Never forget what makes you unique. Here on the planet Earth, we are all misfits, and that’s the way it’s meant to be. Besides, weird is a side effect of awesome.

Be weird, be wild, be awesome. Stop settling for normal and be all of YOU!

From my weird and wild heart to yours,

I help women (and a few amazing men) embrace their inner weirdness and free themselves to live a kickass life. It’s all about you…rediscover you, dream, disrupt the need for normalcy and dare to live into the full brilliance of who you are. A complimentary breakthrough session awaits you. What are you waiting for?

Start Living Your Own Kickass Life!
Workshop – 3 Secrets to a Kickass Life 
Group Coaching – 8 Weeks to Living Your Kickass Life
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Photo by Noah Näf on Unsplash

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