There’s Nothing Ordinary Here

In this morning’s meditation I heard this. There is nothing ordinary here. Simple and profound at the same time, I found my mind immersed in what is extraordinary. The breath. The body. How life breathes itself in and through me. Through each of us. How everything is interconnected and all life breathes together.

There is nothing ordinary here. Each cell in the body having its own intelligence combines with others to create systems and each system creating movement, sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. Each system breathing within itself and with the whole. Circulation, assimilation, elimination…each extraordinary in itself. How single cells come together to form a new life. I recall my granddaughter’s first cry when she was born and those tiny fingers that reach and grasp and hold. Life is extraordinary. Divinely patterned and ushered forth in mystery.

Joy comes to us in ordinary moments

Life itself births new life. We see it now as spring breaks forth, leaves budding, sprouts peeping up through the soil. The trees and the birds, the call of the mourning dove outside my window. The bee. How it knows exactly what to do and when to do it. The rose. The grass. The dandelion. The intelligence of the soil to nourish and sustain life. There is nothing ordinary here.

Sitting in my bedroom, my attention turns to the quilt on my bed. The weaving of fibers, the intelligence that designed this beautiful pattern. A divine idea to make thread and weave into this beautiful design that brings joy and love, warmth and comfort. The soft comfort of my sheets. The gentle cushion of my pillow beneath my head. The windows to let in light and through which I look out upon the world. The sunshine, the rain. The scent of spring. Thunder and lightening. There is nothing ordinary here.

You are extraordinary, exquisite, magical

Our human capacity to learn, to grow, create and expand. To feel. Love. Joy. Peace. Harmony. Happiness. Doubt. Fear. Anger. Pain. Without doubt, fear, or pain would we know the power of love? The strength to love passionately, grieve deeply, and love again. And what about our capacity to forgive – others and ourselves. There is nothing ordinary here.

Viruses. Covid-19. Extraordinary. Invisible to the eye yet it has changed humanity, life as we knew it. Nature correcting itself. She always does. This in itself is extraordinary. While there is tragedy in its midst, there is immeasurable love and compassion in all of those serving the affected, reaching out to their neighbors, reaching out beyond the isolation to family, friends and to their community in whatever way they can support…silently in prayer, financially, in time, service, and generosity.

Gratitude helps you fall in love with the life you already have

I was reading from 365 Days of Richer Living (Ernest Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker – an extraordinary book; all books and stories are extraordinary) – when I became acutely aware of the gift of sight and reading; of my ability to recognize the characters on the page, read the words, process them in my mind, and find meaning in them. That I can connect with, learn from and be moved by humans who are no longer on this planet through what they left behind in this world. There is nothing ordinary here.

Everything is extraordinary. Water from the faucet, soap to wash the dishes. That I turn on the stove and create a meal from what someone has grown from seed which have made their way into my hands, into my home, into my heart, into my body to nourish me. There is nothing ordinary here. As I write this there is hot coffee in my cup and sauce simmering on the stove and the sweet fragrance of fresh basil fills my senses. I’m at peace, wrapped warmly in my cottage home with Gracie curled up sleeping beside me. Each extraordinary in their own glorious way.

Everything’s a miracle

So, as I breath in this breath of life, I know that each moment of this day is extraordinary. Everything is sacred, everything is holy. Each breath. Each life. Every moment. In knowing this, in being one with all extraordinary life, being this extraordinary life expressing itself, I live in gratitude, in peace and in harmony with all that is. There is nothing ordinary here, and for this I give thanks.

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Photo by Seb Mooze on Unsplash

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