5 Steps to Navigating Your New Now

Life IS change. I can’t say this enough, and you and I are here for the joy of it all. Yes. Everything. What you call good and what you call bad. It’s all life living itself and you, and I, are here to experience it. You are here by divine appointment and you are in partnership with the Infinite. You are more powerful than you were taught, led to believe, and think about yourself. So…how are you navigating this new now? Are you clinging to the way things used to be? Feeling fearful about what’s next? Ready to try something different? Here are my 5 steps to navigating the new now with peace of mind and in greater harmony with life.

Step 1. Be-Ing

Most of us have been living our lives in perpetual motion. While we long for more time and more harmony in our lives, we keep doing, doing, doing at the expense of our health and wellbeing. Being is where you find your natural rhythm between rest and play.

You are a spiritual beings on a cosmic journey partnered with the Infinite. At some level, you know this, even though the world is telling you something different. You don’t have to follow the crowd.

In stillness, I find my true self

Deepak Chopra

You can connect intimately with your essential spiritual nature in times of stillness – in meditation, quiet contemplation, inward reflection, affirmation and prayer. Being in stillness is a gift you give yourself to connect with your inner wisdom, the Infinite within. Here, you get to know your true self.   

Step 2. Get Clear

In navigating the new now, life must become more intentional. No more doing for the sake of doing. That way of life won’t work in the new now. The door is open for you to step in and create something entirely new and different. It’s an exciting time to be alive and clarity is key to moving forward with intention.

In stillness, you become a compassionate witness of your own thoughts and behaviors. You see that you are not your thoughts. You can choose what you want to change and release old limiting thoughts and beliefs from this higher state of consciousness. You’ll begin to live life now with greater intention and purpose.

Step 3. Inspired Action

Act as if you are and you will be. With clarity of purpose and intention, now you can take action – you can be the doer – from an inspired place of being. You give yourself permission to be who you already know you are and do only those things that are aligned with your true self. Navigating the new now requires a new level of mindfulness and intentionality about who you are being in the world.

An important note here. Inspired action might mean taking no action at all when you lack clarity. You can circle back to stillness of being for greater clarity and inspiration. This is an intuitive process and may not be something you’ve learned before.

Step 4. Gratitude

Always be in thanksgiving for EVERYTHING in your life. Life has and is serving to guide you to being more and more of who you are here to be. Be grateful for every experience that has shaped you and brought you to this moment, even those that were painful or difficult.

Equally important is to be in gratitude for being, having, and doing the things you desire before you realize them. Know, with certainty, that what you desire is a given.

Step 5. Detachment

Ahhh, letting go! Let go of wanting to control the process or the outcome. This takes a lot of practice…at least it did for me. The world wants you to focus on what you don’t have, what you lack, what you think you need. In truth, you live in an abundant and benevolent universe that wants to give you everything you desire, now. It corresponds to and gives you what you focus your attention on.

Remember, you are in partnership with the Infinite and It has the ability to give you what you desire in ways you cannot begin to fathom. You don’t have to ‘make life happen’. It’s happening through and as you in every new now moment. This last step in navigating the new now requires that you detach from the how, live in the mystery, and make life welcome.

There you have it…

5 steps for navigating YOUR new now

  • Be who you know you are
  • Get clear about what you desire
  • Act as if you are already that
  • Live in a state of gratitude
  • Have faith in yourself and life and let go.

One more thing…this is a process and practice. Most of us ebb and flow between being who we are and who the world says we are. It’s OK. The more you practice the more confident you’ll be in your ability to navigate life.

Be gentle, kind and compassionate with yourself. Celebrate every step along the way…even when you feel you’ve faltered…it’s all part of the dance of life.

Every moment of life is a new now. You decide whether life pushed you around or whether you are pulled by your hearts desire. You hold the power to choose.

Want a little help with steps 1, 2, 3, or all?  Click here…let’s do this together.

From my heart to yours,

Navigating the New Now – Open forum for women. Click here for details.

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