I did a scary thing and made a joyful noise!

Six weeks ago, while having dinner with a two friends from my spiritual community, I shared a goal I’d held close to my heart for some time. I wanted to give a Sunday talk at Concordia, the spiritual center I attend. I believe each and every one of us has a story to share that can uplift, inspire, and heal – ourselves and others around us. We are each here to make a joyful noise and create greater harmony in our lives and the world around us.   

We are each here to make a joyful noise as only we can

Three days after I shared this goal, I received an email from the Senior Minister, Rev. Alan. It went to the Leadership Council (and I serve on the council). He wanted us to know he’d be on vacation September 29th and was looking for recommendations for a speaker. I raised my hand. That in itself was a bit scary. It triggered the fear response and all the thoughts about why I wasn’t qualified to speak and how no one really wants to hear what I have to say. Blah, blah, blah…the voice of my inner critic.

In spite of the fear, my heart and soul were doing a happy dance. The universe was inviting me to play, to step into this goal I’d set and it was exciting. This is the inner voice I want to follow. The voice of joy, my inner wise self. When I lean towards joy and trust my intuition I am aligned with the song of my soul, with my purpose. The moment I said yes, I knew I wanted to talk about making a joyful noise.

You are capable of more than you know ~Glinda

I did the talk. It was an amazing experience. I spoke from the heart with love. I stood in my power as my joyful self. Some points were left out, others added as I went along, trusting that all is divinely guided. Today, I am changed, again. More confident, more centered, and more aware and more certain that joy is where it’s at! I feel more prepared than ever to lean into what’s next including a new workshop later this month. Teaching, writing, and speaking are ways in which I make a joyful noise today.

We are here as love, to cultivate love, to return to love…it begins when we accept and love ourself

You, too, have a story to tell that will uplift and inspire. You are here on purpose, with purpose. To make a joyful noise as only you can. I would love to hear it, and help you tell it in your own way. Make a joyful noise. Be yourself. You’re awesome. Shine your light and live into the fullness of who you came here to be.

From my heart to yours,

ps: If you’d like to have a listen…here you go. My part begins at 34 minutes in…I highly recommend listening to the entire celebration service. Peace & love! https://www.facebook.com/concordiacsl/videos/390869518254283/

pps: New Workshop October 19th!! You Are the Way…to all you desire. Come play with me and make your own joyful noise! XO

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