Inside I’m Completely Badass

I may appear harmless…but inside I’m completely badass! This image is of a coaster next to me on the table. I’m on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State overlooking Puget Sound. Not a bad way to work and live. I’m visiting with friends here for a week or so before heading back on the road. The coaster got me thinking about that ways in which I AM a badass. Here are a few.

I may appear harmless…but inside I’m completely badass when it comes to my life, to reaching for what I desire most, for saying yes to what may seem crazy to others yet feels like joy and leaning into it. I’m completely badass about living life to the fullest. This trip began as an inkling of desire to nurture and cultivate a sense of wanderlust that I live with constantly. I’m out on the road, planting seeds for my business, enjoying the company of strangers who become friends, and friends I’ve known and loved for a long time and doing work I love, writing, coaching and traveling.

I may appear harmless…but inside I’m completely badass when it comes to following my heart. There was a time when I believed what I desired was errant, wrong or selfish. Later in life, I’ve come to see that our desires are our soul’s way of being in this physical world. The things that bring us joy and happiness, the things the delight us, that light us up are the things we’re here to do and experience. We’re not here to be miserable or live mediocre lives and catch a glimpse of joy here and there. Rather, we’re meant to live joyfully – to express the joy that lives within us. Those experiences that are not joyful are simply contrasting illusions to help us recognize and appreciate joy. If we don’t have a taste of something sour how can we truly appreciate the sweet?

I may appear harmless…but inside I’m completely badass when it comes to coaching others, especially women, to follow their heart’s desires, too. To stop arguing for their limitations and see just how magnificent they and their dreams are. To move them past their own limiting beliefs into their right lives. I believe we all have what it takes to be a badass about our lives, or dreams, or desires if we’re willing to take small steps and the occasional big leap and lean in.

Tell me about your dreams, your desires, and show me how you’re completely badass!

From my heart to yours,

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