Home Is Knowing

“Home is knowing. Knowing your mind. Knowing your heart. Knowing your courage. If we know ourselves, we are always home, anywhere.”  Glinda / The Wizard of Oz

Away from home for three weeks now, I’ve been contemplating the idea of home. While I am missing those I love, I’ve come to believe that home isn’t a place rather it’s a state of being, a state of mind, a state of heart. If we know ourselves we are always home, anywhere.

I’m at home from sea to shining sea, east coast or west coast; east of the Mississippi and west of it too. I’m at home in the mountains, by the lake, and in the high dessert; in the rural corn fields and the glare of city lights. Because wherever I am, I am there. My soul is my home and I’m beginning to know it well.

About my last blog post, Inside I’m Completely Badass, a friend said, “I agree that you are a total badass! You find a goal, map the steps to get there, and then you do it. Few get to that point.” She’s right. Few of us do what we feel called to do, and I believe we are all called. Yet, fear of some sort gets in our way.

From my own experience, it’s the letting go that we fear most. At least it is for me. As Joseph Campbell tells us, “We must let go of the life we planned so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” There’s a great deal of discomfort in the letting go of what we’ve been told we should do to do the things our soul calls for. Knowing our courage is to be at home even in this discomfort.

I’ve had moments when I’ve felt home sick. One in particular happened while driving the farmlands of southern Minnesota. The road was long, straight, and flat and the corn and soybean fields went on for miles. I felt very much alone. Generally, my introverted self loves time alone, yet I felt a wave or uncertainty ripple through my body and I filled with tears. I know this feeling, it’s the feeling of letting go. A shift in perspective. A taste of bitter sweetness as consciousness shifts from what I know, what’s comfortable, to the discomfort of allowing the unknown to unfold.

In that moment, I wanted reassurance that everything is OK. Alone, it’s up to me to do the reassuring. I allow the wave of feeling to wash through me, to feel the sense of loss as I moved further and further from the place I call home, into the being-ness of home. I turn inward to that place where I know I am always safe, always well. The now moment of being.

A song comes to mind. Let Go of the Shore, by Karen Drucker. I start to sing. Let go of the shore, and let the water carry you. Let go of the shore, float in the mystery.

You have all you need,
it’s all inside of you.
Close your eyes and breathe,
and know that you are safe.

So, I let go of the shore and embrace the place I’m in. I know I can be happy with whatever is before me, or change it if I’m not. As a result, I stop looking for a place that is home to discover I am home in each different place I experience simply because I am there. This is new for me, exchanging an old need to try to control life for the sheer enjoyment of it. The more I trust myself, the more I let go, and the more I am OK with the feelings I experience.

I always have a question for you, dear reader. Today, I’d love to know, what is it your soul is calling you towards? What do you need to let go of to make the shift? Do you know your mind, your heart, your courage? Most of all, I have no doubt that all you need is inside of you. What are you waiting for?

From my heart to yours,

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