What If You Were Willing to Dwell in Possibilities?

I’m considering making an office for myself in the front part of my attic. It isn’t a space where I’d allowed myself to dwell in possibilities up until now. At one time, there was a small room up there. The outline of the original framing is evident in the remaining dusty hardwood floor and there’s some plaster remnants around the windows in a small front dormer. Until today, I’d dismissed the idea of using this space. It seems like a lot of work to get it into shape and I’ve got lots of reasons not to. My own BS. Those beliefs and stories…the lies we tell ourselves.

Oh, the lies we tell ourselves

When friends visit and ask me what’s behind the door in the middle of the kitchen, I tell them it’s unfinished attic space. Not really useable space. There’s no insulation, not heating or cooling, and it’s rather grungy at the moment. I’ve been telling myself the same thing over and over again since I moved here 7 years ago. I’m just beginning to see my own BS around this space – the pattern of limited thinking. I’m usually one to dwell in possibilities. Not this time. At least not until a friend got me thinking about it. Really thinking about it.

I’ve got a list of beliefs and stories about why this is a crazy idea. Truth is, I’ve never asked myself if any of this is true nor have I researched the idea. Until now, I’d been believing my own BS. Each time someone asked me about the potential of the space I dismissed it. Then, I began to ask myself why I felt this way. More importantly, why not? Why not create a cozy office space? This got me into dreaming about possibilities and imagine how the space looks and feels. I began to dwell in possibilities and this is very exciting!

Living a kickass life is all about dwelling in possibilities.

The first step is to allow the dreams and desires we have, our inspiration, to rise up no matter how crazy they may seem. Actually, the crazier the better I always say. What we desire to create is the creative spirit pulling us forward in life. It’s life living as and through us.

I’d like to tell you about some of my ‘reasons’ for dismissing this space. Some of the lies I’ve been telling myself, and take a look at what is true.

Lie #1: My home was built in 1925 and the roof trusses are 2X6 construction. Someone once told me it was impossible to properly insulate and put in a ceiling because 6″ isn’t enough depth.
Truth #1: I accepted this person’s belief as my own and never once questioned it. We’re always coming up with new ways to do things, so what makes me think this is true? What do I want to believe? Who can I ask? There’s always Google and YouTube for starters.

Lie #2: It’s not really useable space.
Truth #2: This isn’t true at all. Someone used it before me. I can see the outline where the wall framing once was. I use it now for storage. There’s wiring and lighting, and a hardwood floor, and a great window looking out over the neighborhood. This is a pretty good start towards useable. Would you agree?

Lie #3: It’s really hot up there in summer and cold in winter and it will be too expensive to heat and cool the space.
Truth #3: Actually, I have no idea what it will costs until I look into it and I have a feeling there are several possibilities available to me. It’s time to find out.

Lie #4:  I don’t know how I’ll afford it.
Truth #4: This is a big one. I can get so tied up in the money thing. Yes, it will take money to do this work. How much? The truth is I have no idea until I do a little research. It may be more affordable than I imagined. There’s a part of me that doesn’t want to know for fear of being disappointed. However, if I truly believe the desires and dreams are meant to live through us, I have to back that up with faith that the universe will rise up to meet me.  I tell my clients to let the universe figure out how…that’s it’s job. Our job is to stay in the vision, the feeling of what we want, and take the next inspired step before me on the journey. Time to put my money where my mouth is…this metaphor is not lost on me.

We know the truth by the way it feels

These are just a few of my beliefs and stories. My inner critic, goddess bless her, wants to protect me. She doesn’t want to feel the disappointment if I don’t get what I want. So she can get me all twisted up in the details that appear to be standing between me and what I want. I say ‘appear’ because none of it is real. In truth the universe is always saying yes. It’s my job to get out of the way…to dwell in possibilities outside of my Box of BS.

The possibility of having a fresh new office space separate from the rest of my house feels amazing. It’s warm and sunny. There’s an alcove for my bookshelf, books, and art supplies, a cozy sitting corner for reading, and ample desk space. Let not forget the windows for imagining and dreaming into new possibilities in my life and work.

How it all comes together is unknown at this time and that’s perfect. It’s in the unknown, the uncertainty that all possibilities exists and we are infinite potential. There’s always the possibility that it will be even better than I could ever imagine!

What do you desire to be, do, or have in life? What would you love? Are you willing to let yourself dwell in possibilities?  I’d love to help you find your way out of your BS to see beyond the details and live into your dream. It’s what I’m here to do. Schedule a calls…let’s talk!

From my heart to yours,

Last call…3 Secrets to a Kickass Life February Workshops! Saturday, 2/9 or Sunday 2/10.

Photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash

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