Be a Blinking Beacon!

Three days before Christmas and I’m readying to go out shopping and finish up a few last minute things. Gifts are done, yet there is food to buy and make for Christmas Eve dinner with my immediate family, something for the table the following day at my sisters, a gift card, and some groceries for myself. My first inclination is, oh boy, it’s going to be crazy out there. And I know if that’s the energy I go into this with, it’s exactly what I’ll experience. Still, the idea of being a blinking beacon had yet to emerge.

You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. ~Jane Goodall

As I contemplated heading out, I paused, breathed in, and imagined what I would like this morning to be and how I wanted to feel. Free and easy of course. Lighthearted and carefree. A woman’s got to practice what she teaches. Right? OK, I’m clear. First, Walmart, then the market. Let’s go!

We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are ~Anais Nin

I’m very much an observer of people, events, things. I like to notice. And on this morning, as I entered Walmart, I consciously observed individuals and families shopping, and people being pleasant – meeting each other with kindness. What I was expecting was loving kindness and that’s what I experienced.

My observations went to the diversity of people in the store and in my general neighborhood – many colors and languages, clothing, hairstyles, yet all of them doing just what I’m doing. Shopping and preparing for celebrations of love and life. How cool is that. We may not speak the same language and we show up and dress differently, nevertheless, fundamentally we are all the same.

Act like life is a blessing and it will feel like one

Often, I walk around silently blessing everyone I see in stores, while driving, anywhere and everywhere. Today as I was doing this in a lighthearted energy I thought of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and his blinking beacon of a nose. That’s what Yukon Cornelius called it, a blinking beacon. Remember? I immediately thought, shit, I’m going to be a blinking beacon! Right here. Right now. You might be laughing right now, or maybe rolling your eyes. It’s all good. I imagined I was Rudolph in a sense, and my very presence a light – lighting the way for everyone I met and passed through the aisles and in line.

I intentionally lit myself up – feeling a sense of love and warmth toward everyone

On my fridge is this Roald Dahl quote. “If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” There’s truth in this. People passed me by with a smile, or a courteous nod, and others with hello. I didn’t notice anyone who wasn’t pleasant and kind. Furthermore, shining your light is like a force field – negativity doesn’t stand a chance. As a matter of fact the store was quite full with people and I didn’t notice any form of ‘humbugness’ at all. The force – or shall we say the Source – is always with you.

Your true nature is luminous

Knowing your luminosity, I extend this invitation to you today. Don’t wait! Don’t wait until tomorrow and especially not until next December to be a blinking beacon. The world needs you and your light, now. Pause, breath, and think about how you want to show up in life, in each now moment and especially in situations that you think might be difficult or negative. Imagine what you’d like to experience and turn on your blinking beacon. Be what you desire to see. That’s how life works; that’s how we work! You are the light of the world. Be a blinking beacon. Let your light shine!!

The light in me honors the light in you.

Shine your light and live your kickass life!!

Workshop: 3 Secrets to a Kickass Life ™– empowering women to live into their dreams – Jan. 13, 2019
Group Coaching: Living Your Kickass Life ™ – 8 week program starting Jan. 24, 2019
Individual Coaching: Now Booking for 2019!

Photo by Eidy Bambang-Sunaryo on Unsplash

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