Your Discontent is Truly Divine

Discontent is truly divine. This week, I kicked my own ass in this kickass living experiment I call life. I was leading a workshop while contending with my own Box of BS – those limiting beliefs and stories. My inner critic was chattering away in the background. It was like trying to have a conversation in one room while the television is blaring in another and there is no remote! The noise of doubt and insecurity was running amuck. I’ve learned to allow the chatter to fall to the background and stay present with the experience I am in. Later, while reflecting on this experience I recognized my discontent about who I believe I am as a life coach and this something to sing and dance about.

Discontent is the first necessity of progress ~ Edison

The creative spirit is alive and conscious in all of us and calls us forward in life through our dreams, our desires, our inspiration. This is life living through us. This is how life creates itself. Through you and me. Life is in perpetual motion, expanding through each individual. What you think you become, what you feel you attract, and what you imagine you create. You are a divine presence in this world. To be divine means everything about you is divine, even your discontent. Living a kickass life is the practice of loving and accepting all of you, including your discontent.

Discontent is truly divine in that it helps redirect you towards true north. Each time I do this workshop it’s a little different. The framework is the same however I don’t script. I allow it to flow from where I am I the moment, and allow what comes forth from each of the participants to shape the dialog. It feels free and easy that way. Still, my inner critic was sounding the alarm, that I was somehow ‘not doing it right’ or ‘not saying the right things’. She was second guessing it all. This felt rather uncomfortable in my body, which I know is a sign that there is more to be revealed.

Our longing is our calling ~Louise Hay

I shared this with my mastermind group the next day. How interesting it is to observe the inner critic and still be able to carry on with my work. This in itself is powerful. There was a time when all that inner chatter would have thrown me completely off. It didn’t. Still, I knew there was something to get curious about.

One of the women in the mastermind suggested I may have outgrown this workshop in its current form. That felt true, still it wasn’t clear to me in what way. Later that day, I was talking with a woman at a networking event who referred to my coaching practice as ‘rather broad’. I didn’t know what to say to that, I smiled and asked her if she had a particular question I could answer. She didn’t. Still I felt the familiar discontent, the uncomfortable feeling that I didn’t measure up somehow.

I am what I choose to become

As I drove home, I was thinking about how it felt to hear my work described as ‘broad’. What am I making this mean? That I lack focus? Is what I do not narrowly defined enough? Am I making it wrong not to have a niche? . My coaching is broadly focused and for some time now, I’ve been struggling to find ‘my niche’. What I hear in the industry is you have to have a niche, know your ideal client or you can’t really be a good coach. Ah…there it is. The belief. I’m not a good coach if I can’t narrow my focus. Is that true?

Absolutely not. One thing I’ve learned in this journey is that you are who and what you think you are, and there isn’t just one way to do anything. I’ve never been one to run with the crowd, so why start now. I trained as a coach with Martha Beck. She’s one of the best and I’ve never heard her talk about having a niche. She simply coaches. Period.

What you imagine you create

Recently, one of my coaches, Allison Crow said this; “I give myself the status I want.” That is brilliant! I asked myself what would that be, what would it look and feel like to give myself the status I want?  Here it is…for now, because we’re always expanding and becoming.

I am a kickass living life coach! I am a spiritual coach…I see the divine in you, even if you can’t see it for yourself yet. Consciously creating my own kickass life, I’m passionate about helping other women do the same. Who doesn’t want to live a kickass life?

My idea client? A woman whose life isn’t what she’d like it to be today. She is no longer willing to settle for normal or ordinary and is willing to risk reaching for her dreams even if it frightens her. Underneath all her BS she’s a badass becoming! 

Indeed, this is a broad focus and I’ve worked with women from the ages of 24-70. This doesn’t mean I’m not selective when working with clients. Intuitively, I can sense whether someone is truly ready to do the work. I’m doing it now. Right here. Trusting my discontent is truly divine and allowing it to move me forward into the expansion of my work and life. That feels light, free, and exactly right for me!

Are you willing to imagine the life you want? What status do you want to give yourself? I’m here to support you. Your discontent is truly divine. Everything about you is divine. Everything you need is already inside of you. Let’s cut through the noise, peel away all that stinkin thinkin, and rediscover the treasure within. Welcome to Living Your Kickass Life ™.

From my heart to yours,

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Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash

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