That Time I Was An Angel || Coaching Life || Elaine Blais

Let me tell you about that time I was an angel. If you’re rolling your eyes thinking, oh no, a story about the Christmas play, hang tight. That’s not it at all. It happened recently on a warm Sunday morning. I attended service at my local Center for Spiritual Living. At the end of service, we form a peace circle around the sanctuary and join hands in song.

On this particular Sunday, as I moved into the circle, I happened to end up standing in front of the window air conditioner wearing a white blouse with flowing sleeves. It seemed like an inconvenient spot and my first reaction was to bristle at the cold air. Then my sleeves took flight as I was singing and I decided to go with it. It started to feel surreal, a little angelic and it seemed quite possible I might fly. In one way, I was flying. I was completely in the moment, wrapped in the lightheartedness of it all as I sang with this loving community. It was, for me, a magical moment.

I used to think magic was a trick, something I needed to learn. More and more I believe magic is something we are. It flows through us, through our connectedness with spirit, through our soul. From this perspective magic is everywhere…if you look for it. Sometimes, magic is so subtle it’s easy to miss. Like that time I was an angel, lost in the peace and serenity of the moment. Or, when you think of someone and they call you. It can be as obvious as the glory of the sunrise and as loud and excited as the laughter of children. The thing is magic happens all day, every day. If you believe in it, you’ll surely see it.

Your magic is believing in yourself; believing in your dreams no matter how silly or crazy they may sound. When you can do that, you can make anything happen.

We are all magic! My magic is helping you discover yours. Do you believe?

From my heart to yours,

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