This Stinks and That’s OK || Coaching Life || Elaine Blais

I planned to write this week’s blog about how we talk to ourselves and how that shapes our lives. Like when we ‘should’ all over ourselves; telling ourselves we’re not good enough, or smart enough, or something enough. All that ‘shoulding’ really gets in the way of our authenticity and being in the flow of life. Then I sat to write it and…nothing. Blank. Of course, I started “shoulding’ all over myself. For me, this is a signal to reach for my coaching tools and start distancing myself from the self-judgement and criticism. As I did this, I realized in that moment “this stinks and that’s OK!”

If you want to make a change in yourself, in your life, no matter how small or grand, no one can do it for you. “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” This is one of the most well know quotes by the late Dr. Wayne Dyer. And, it’s true. I have the choice to see this as a problem or not. When we train our brains to see positively, we create a more positive experience. As I allowed myself to stop ‘shoulding’ about it and play with the idea that this is all OK, I relaxed and gave more energy to the idea of playfulness. In playfulness life flows so effortlessly and provides space to weed out the self-judgement and let this post blossom in it’s own way.

Conversely, when we continually focus on or explain our problems, we bring more energy to the problem and will likely continue to experience more of the same. Einstein said, “No problem is ever solved in the same consciousness that was used to create it.” He was a genius – so am I and so are you!  Our genius is in learning to be aware of our thinking and our beliefs, and using that awareness to shift our consciousness. To be successful, or happy, or whatever it is we desire, we must first believe and affirm we are it or have it. No one can do that for us, but we don’t have to go it alone.

So, this journal entry may stink when you read it and that, truly, is OK!!

From my heart to yours,

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