This Powerful Question Can Change Your Life!

I’m a life coach. I don’t have answers, my clients do. I ask questions to help them unlock the answers they hold within. You can do a Google Search and find all sorts of articles touting 20, 50, 100 questions or more for a happier life. They’re all great questions for self-reflection and personal growth. Yet, there is one, very simple yet powerful question that I use often, for me and my clients, and that is this. “Is it true”? We begin to change our life for the better when we become aware of and question our thoughts and beliefs.

The question itself, these 3 little words, is simple. Putting in into practice takes, well, practice.I know each client comes to my practice whole and fully equipped to live their own version of a kickass life. They are seeking help in seeing more clearly what’s getting in the way and it’s always their own BS (belief systems). The only thing standing between a woman and the life she desires to live is herself. It’s my job to help her adjust the lens through which they see life. The first step is becoming aware and that awareness begins with this same, simple question. “Is it true”?

“Your life is all made up, so why not create a life that excites and inspires you.” Rick Tamlin / Play Your Bigger Game

I’m sure you’ve heard it said that you can’t believe everything you think. When we’re feeling badly about ourselves, we’re stuck in negative or limiting beliefs. We’re in our box of BS and that leads to feelings of unworthiness, doubt, worry, stress, and fear in one form or another. These thoughts are all made up. They’re our stories, and while they served us at one time in our lives as a form of protection perhaps, we can’t live in our stories and live into the fullness of our deeper self. Those old stories about who we think we should be must die in order for us to birth the more expansive version of who we truly are.

“Choose with awareness what gives you joy, and it will lead you to Spirit.” Margot Anand / The Art of Everyday Ecstasy

Feeling badly about ourselves is an indication we are out of alignment with our true self, the creative intelligence within, the divine and beneficial presence we are. It’s also an invitation to ask, “is it true?”. Is what I’m thinking about me, or this situation, or whether I can or I can’t true? You’re initial response may be “yes”. Ask again, and this time as an invitation to open your heart to other thoughts that could be as true or more true than your current thinking. Each time the answer is yes, go deeper with your inquiry knowing that in truth you are magnificent. Open to thoughts that feel uplifting, inspiring; thoughts that feel good and bring you joy. This is an indication you are living into your truth.

Isn’t it about time you change the lens and refocus how you see yourself and your life?

Are you looking through the lens of limitation or possibilities? What’s the thought that keeps you from living into your desires? You are powerful beyond measure. You are worthy of a fulfilling life, of living into your dreams and desires. That’s why you’re here. I know you are worthy of creating the life you want, of living into the fullness of your deeper self. I believe in you. What are you waiting for? What are you willing to discover about yourself?

From my heart to yours,

PS: I love you!
I love what I do and I’m blessed and grateful to share my gifts so that others can share theirs. I love to witness a woman’s transformational journey as she steps outside of her BS and into the fuller expression of who she is. I’d be honored to have you join me! Here’s how you can!

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Starting in January 2019!

Photo by James Bold on Unsplash

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