Show Up For Yourself

I often talk of the power of intention. What I mean by intention is to connect with the power within and show up for yourself.

I’ve facilitated a number of Find Your Magic workshops where we discuss how intention + inspired action = magic. It’s really about learning to stop living from habit and start living from intention; from the place of our inner most desires, and how we want to feel as we move through life. This includes the attention we give to our intention, how we speak to or about said intentions (to ourselves and others), and staying open to inspired action.

We all have the power to create what we want in our lives. It begins with how you show up for yourself. We are continually conversing with the universe and creating our reality with our thoughts, beliefs, our stories and our language – which can empower or disempower our lives. When I’m working with a client and she reaches the point where she releases the disempowering thoughts and shows up for herself, the shift is palpable. She lights up, stands taller, and suddenly the game changes. How do you show up for yourself?

This weekend, I attended a women’s tea at the home of a friend, Kathy. She is also a life coach, an amazing connector of women and has a gift for creating community. She asked us to share how we met her (joking that it’s all about her…giggle) and share what magic we bring to the world.

I met Kathy at a time in my life when I was seeking a community of likeminded, spiritual women. What I was really looking for is to show up for myself, although I didn’t realize it them. I was in the midst of a divorce and feeling quite lost. Tired of feeling this way, I knew it was time to do things differently than I’d ever done before. In my search for connection, I came across a MeetUp that Kathy facilitated. The idea made me a little comfortable, but not enough to override the pull to go. The first outing I attended was a simple walk through a beautiful cemetery just a few minutes from my home. I had my doubts at time…would I fit in, did I fit in? Still, it felt right, and I kept going back.

That was 7 years ago. As a result of taking this one step, I am connected with an amazing spiritual community, and continue to widen my own circle of sisterhood beyond anything I could have imagined then. The more I showed up for myself, the more my life shifted in positive ways. I began, and continue to live from my intentions and follow my intuition. I know how I want to feel and show up in the world. Ultimately, this has culminated in the work I now do, the gift of helping other women get clear on their intentions and find their own brand of magic. When you show up for yourself, you shine your light, and give others the space to do the same.

Inspired action – showing up for yourself – isn’t about grand gestures or big leaps, although it can be. Often, it happens in the stillness of introspection, of listening to your inner wise self, and following the smallest of actions that take you to the next step, and the next, and the next, on your journey.

I’m grateful for Kathy and her magic, and the community I have created as a result. Most importantly, I’m grateful for heeding my intentions, following my intuitions, and for taking the action to show up for myself. Do you fully show up for yourself? If not, why? Maybe you think it’s selfish, or you believe that you ‘should’ put others first. There are lots of reasons we don’t do it, but the truth is until we fully show up for ourselves, we’re not capable of fully showing up for others. Are you showing up for yourself? Would you like to? Let’s talk…

From my heart to yours,

Previous post: Temporarily Closed for Spiritual Maintenance 

Photo by grafxart photo on Unsplash

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