Big But

I was listening to a member of my mastermind group talk about her passion in life, something she has been actively pursuing. She shared what transpired for her this year and how far she’s come. Indeed, she has. As she talked about it she sat tall in her seat and laughed a lot. Her energy was high and her entire body was lit up. The alignment with her passion and purpose in life were very evident. Then, along came the Big But!

You know it. We all know it. “But… I don’t know if that can happen. I can’t figure out how to do it. It might not work out…and so on.” I watched her shoulders sink, and the shift in her energy was palpable in the room. It was a great coaching moment for my co-facilitator, Lori, and me. It opened discussion around the thoughts and words we choose and how they create our reality. How we can all choose to let the Big But in, or we can feel the shift and turn it around.

Everything in life is created twice. First it’s a thought, then a thing. The universe corresponds to our thoughts, beliefs and ideas. When we speak our desires, we give energy to them, we put them out into the universe to be fulfilled. When we entertain the Big But, we restrict that flow of energy leaving us feeling stuck in the same old pattern. When I think about everything I am using right now – laptop, keyboard, software, mouse, website – everything was someone’s idea before it became a material thing. Everything is possible when we consciously attend to the power of our mind.

What dream or desire pulls you to be someone or something greater than you are today? Is there something you want to create in your life? What is your Big But? Is it true? What if you erased that Big But from your mind? Then what? I know…you probably have a Big But for that too. It’s OK…time to start asking yourself these questions. I’d be delighted to assist you in this work.

From my heart to yours,

Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

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