Predictably Unpredictable

Today is the first day of spring. As I check my Facebook feed this morning, there are spring greetings galore and many of them are followed with comments such as; “finally!” and “thank God!” and “I thought it would never get here.” I giggle a little at this because, well, spring is right on time as always. We just might not like the way it shows up. Where I live it’s sunny and cold today and there is snow in tomorrow’s forecast. Still, spring arrived. Right. On. Time. New England weather is predictably unpredictable. So is life.

Will Shakespeare said, “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” Think about this for just a moment. How often do you expect someone to behave or respond in a certain way and they don’t. How often do you lament the weather outside, or something that’s on your schedule for the day because it doesn’t meet your expectation? We are always wanting things to be different from what they are, and constantly trying to change things outside of ourselves. What if we learn to appreciate them or at the least accept them as they are.

We can’t change the weather or other people, but we can change ourselves. Expectation, according to Dr. Steve Maraboli is, “an unhealthy attachment to people, things, and outcomes we wish we could control; but don’t.” The only thing we control is our response to what’s going on around us. So, would you rather be frustrated or happy with the day, the moment, the situation, with yourself? Would you rather treat yourself with loving kindness, or continue to feel the heartache of broken expectations? As we let go of expectations we become more aware of what’s really worth our attention and leads us to greater happiness.

What if, just for today, you trade in your expectations for appreciation? What if, you accepted each day exactly as it is where you live and you find, within yourself, something to appreciate about this day? It could be as simple as waking up this morning, being here, awake, present, living and breathing in the moment. Actually, that’s not simple at all, it’s pretty freaking awesome!!! Don’t you think so? What else might you appreciate about this moment?

“What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it’s supposed to be.” ~ Byron Katie.

It’s spring in New England and I’ll be wearing my winter coat and may have to break out the snow boots again tomorrow. Still, I’m here. I get to live this fantastic life another day and appreciate the sunshine, a brisk walk with the dog, time to write this journal entry, an afternoon meeting, and yes, even my income tax appointment this evening. All this and more is here for me on this first day of spring no matter the weather. And, as I go through my day and see the foibles of others, I am reminded that I have lots of them of my own.

Happiness is truly an inside job. What’s happening in your life in this moment and what is the picture in your head about how it ‘should’ be? What expectations are you holding onto? What are you willing to let go of so that you can live more freely and happily right now, in this moment? Life will always be predictably unpredictable. You get to choose – expectation or appreciation. The choice is yours.

From my heart to yours,

Previous Journal Posts: Connection As A Way of Life

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Photo by Luke Carliff on Unsplash

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