A Ministry of Magic

On a recent Sunday morning, our beloved Reverend Ian Taylor of Concordia Center for Spiritual Living gave one of his last messages before he retires at the end of this year. His message was about leadership, in short, your life as your ministry. I’m paraphrasing, yet what I took from this message is whatever it is you choose to be and do in life is your ministry. I love this message and this concept. I also love Harry Potter. So, I’m entering the ministry of magic. Why not? We are what we think we are. I invite you to join me!

Everything we think, say, and do, adds something to universal consciousness. Every role we play as a daughter, mother, son, father, partner, banker, cook, nurse, and so on is in ministry to the greater good. Is this not the reason we are here? To serve, to love, to light the world? Each one of us is in ministry to life, to each other, to the planet, and to the collective good. Living life as a ministry isn’t reserved for a chosen few, or those ordained in the church, rather it is open and available to all, even us muggles.

Magic is found in everyday moments

There is magic in each breath, the beat of a heart, a gentle touch, a kind word, a smile; it’s in appreciation for the everyday, the wonders of nature, and a good belly laugh. Its available to us at home, at work, at play, standing in line at the grocery story, and when we’re stuck in traffic. Oh…there’s magic in being present with that too. Each moment is a conversation with universal energy, with Spirit, and we’re not separate from it, rather we are one with it.

Being in the ministry of magic isn’t about being all things to all people or depleting yourself in service to others. This serves no one. Within a ministry of magic is a deep understanding that each of us is a beneficial presence in the world. Every. Single. One. You too. It’s a moment by moment practice of seeing each now moment as sacred, knowing there is always divine guidance that, when we feel into it and listen to its whisper, will always point us in the right direction. The key is to listen with your heart and soul.

Today, I invite you to become more deeply aware…

I invite you to become more deeply aware of your own ministry and magic in each now moment. We know the present moment is all there is so this is where the magic happens. When Rev. Ian asked us to see our life as our ministry, something shifted in me. I don’t yet have the words for it yet each moment feels more significant, and each choice to be made with greater awareness and from a deeper connection with the divine presence within. This IS the source of ALL magic!

As I reflect on Rev. Ian’s message, thinking about being ‘in ministry’ as a way of life feels powerful. Powerful in the true sense of the word – the power to create a life I love. The power to show up courageously and authentically in all the I do. Choosing to be less quick to judge and have more compassion for others, and myself. To pause and go within for guidance. The power to, as Ghandi said, “become the change you wish to see in the world.

There’s one more thing about being in ministry that I ask you to consider and this may be a bit of a stretch. I know it is for me as I continue in my practice. It’s this. Everyone’s life is their ministry, even the person or persons you find annoying, difficult, or just plain nasty. Yeah, I know. If everyone would just be like me, and you, the world would be a better place, right? A ministry of magic means being willing to accept that we are all doing our best in the now moment, to release judgement, criticism, and comparison. To see that our perception and perspective may be limited and something bigger is at play.

To know this is true freedom – and that’s magic.

It may feel bold and a bit outrageous to think of yourself this way. You may think this whole idea is crazy, and you might be right. As I started writing this my bitchy inner critic went a little bonkers… “This is ridiculous. You can’t be in ministry, you’re not qualified for that! Who do you think you are??!!” Nevertheless, if there is one thing I know for sure, it’s that we are what we choose to become. Life shows us who we are every step of the way. It’s up to each of us to choose our ministry – to be clear about what we want in life and choose how we show up and respond in alignment with that.

What would you love? Peace, love, joy, abundance…magic? Become that. What’s your ministry?

From my heart to yours,

Ready to enter the ministry of magic! Join me for 3 Secrets to a Kickass Life – empowering women to live into their dreams. Workshop is FREE, registration required.

Click here to listen to Rev. Ian’s full message (begins at 33:52)

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

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