Love More ~ Fear Less

Have you ever been in a place where you’ve felt uninspired, stuck or fearful? Of course you have…we’ve all been there. I found myself there recently. I’d had some things come up in my life that could, up until now, have derailed me and pulled me into the past in unhealthy and unhelpful ways. I’ve come to a place in my life where I am asking myself different and more empowering questions. Reminding myself to love more and fear less. This is why we’re here for goddess sake – to evolve in consciousness. To grow in love.

Fear berates and belittles me for being fearful, stuck, or uninspired. It scolds, and wants me to find safety in staying small. Love, on the other hand, wants to embrace me, be compassionate with me, and asks me to be curious about what I’m experiencing and how it can serve me in this moment…and the next. Love encourages me to be expansive. It opens a window, lets in the light, and wants to dance with me…and you. It’s we who resist the dance.

My invitation to you today is to love more and fear less.

In each choice, each decision we make, each step of the way in our journey, to love more and fear less. Even the big, hairy, scary decisions. Ask yourself, does it feel like love or fear? What’s the most loving thing I can do for myself in this moment – no matter if you’re experiencing excitement, joy, you’re feeling stuck, or facing your fear. What gift, what lesson am I being offered here?

Love is your superpower and it’s waiting for you to put on your cape and dance with it! This is the gift that keeps on giving. The gift you give yourself. Love more. Fear Less. Imagine the amazing things you’ll discover about yourself?!

From my heart to yours,

Join me to Nurture Your Inner Goddess…an immersive and transformative women’s retreat designed so you can love more, fear less, and unleash your inner magnificence.

Photo by David Charles Schuett on Unsplash

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