Life Breathes Me In

I was listening to Deepak Chopra not long ago and heard him say this. “We don’t experience life. We are life.” A simple statement that I decided to take into meditation that day. I am life. You are life. We often think that life is happening to us, yet in truth we are life happening. I believe that life breathes me in everyday and how I respond – whether with delight and wonder or not, is entirely up to me.

On my morning walk today, I encountered many beauties of spring, of rebirth and renewal. Baby rabbits munching fresh clover, a scurry of squirrels partying on the park lawn, and pink roses coalesced with yellow wild flowers. It reminded me of that concept – we are life. That we are integrally entwined with all of life. That we ebb and flow as the ocean, old identities die away to give birth to new awareness, higher versions of ourselves. Like day and night, we play and rest. Every breath taken supports life, ours and the natural world around us. We are part of a universal symphony, each with our own part, always in play, ever expanding.

This morning’s walk also reminded me that I’d written a poem after hearing that quote from Deepak. And, as spring is here in all her magnificence, it seems fitting to share it with you.

Life Breathes Me

I breathe in life. Life breathes me in.

I breath into life. Life breaths into me.

Life is love.

I am the gardener – the seed – the soil.

I am the plant and the harvest.

I am the sun and the rain,

The earth and the sky.

I am the ocean and mountain,

Day and night.

Life is me. I am life.

I grow and I am grown.

I harvest and I am harvested.

Laughter my sunshine. Sunshine my laughter.

Tears my rain. Rain my tears.

Cleansing – clearing – releasing.

Love is life. Life is love.

I breathe into life. Life breathes into me.

I breathe in life. Life breathes me in.

From my heart to yours,

Connect with your breath, your body, your life…L.O.V.E. Essentials starting June 7th.

Nurture Your Inner Goddess

Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

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