Late Entry

This week’s journal post is a late entry. I generally publish on Tuesday morning. I started to write about car care. Well, about how important we make caring for our cars and how we neglect ourselves.

It was a day for car maintenance. I dropped off my car and headed to a local café to work and write this entry. I wasn’t feeling quite myself, a bit of an achy head and I couldn’t focus. But, I had to get this blog written and published. Or did I? Isn’t this exactly what I was going to write about.

We care for our cars with the intention to avoid a breakdown. But what about ourselves. We pay close attention to the indicator lights in our cars but we often neglect the signals from our bodies. We avoid feeling our feelings and emotions, either ignoring them, pushing them aside, or judge ourselves for having them at all. Each time we do this, the warning light gets louder until, well, we have some sort of breakdown. We get sick, or wrench our back, or turn to our addictions whatever they may be.

What I do know is that my body, your body, is the only compass we’ll ever need in life. Listening to it and responding with care, compassion, love and kindness is the way to preventing a breakdown. Our feelings and emotions are messages from our deeper knowing, our inner wise self, who knows everything we need to know to navigate this life. If we only listen.

So, this is a late entry, but I’m listening. The timing of this entry is far less important than my health and wellbeing. I’m tuned into my own indicators, using my inner compass, and stopping for some much needed personal maintenance so I can avoid a breakdown.

From my heart to yours,

Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash

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