Just Do Your Thing!

Every morning, as I start my day, I take Gracie for a walk around the block. Over the past few weeks I’ve been observing this corn stalk growing along the curb from the storm drain. An unlikely place for corn to grow for sure and a wonderful reminder to just do your thing no matter what because this kernel of corn didn’t worry about or wait for perfect conditions. It just did the thing it came here to do – grow corn.

Each of us is creative intelligence and has a seed of divine purpose within us. We each have our own unique gifts to express out into the world. We are, after all, one with all creation, no less than the stars and the ocean. Yet, more often we think we’re ‘only human’ rather than magnificent creations and creative beings.

The things that light you up, that excite you, that bring you joy? They are not random. They are the yellow brick road to your purpose. For this reason, I encourage clients to do more of what lights them up and brings them joy. To use joy as their compass in life. If you’re like most people, me included, you’re likely to argue for you limitations and all the things you believe you can’t do, rather than exploring your gifts. Perhaps you’re clinging to old stories and past experiences as a way to convince yourself you can’t do the things you want to do, or you’re afraid it won’t work out. But, what if you can do the thing you want? What if it does work out? And, how will you know if you never try?

I get it. We’ve carried these stories around for a long time. Stories feel like a part of our identity. They have power. Nevertheless, they are stories. There is something you and I have that the corn kernel doesn’t – the  power to choose and change. Therefore, we can choose our thoughts and change our beliefs about ourselves and what’s possible. Its possible to climb out of the storm drain of doubt and find our true purpose. To believe in ourselves and follow joy no matter the conditions.

This corn stalk has no story about it’s past nor is it bothered by it’s conditions. It’s just doing its thing all the same. So…

  • What if, just for today…you accepted that you are no less powerful than the stars and the ocean?
  • What if, just for today…you let go of your limitations and turned towards possibilities?
  • What if, just for today…you believed it is possible to be the full expression of all that you desire?
  • What if, just for today…you are the corn kernel and just do your thing?

Then, maybe, you can do the same tomorrow. Are you ready to find out?

Peace and blessings,

Start changing your story and do your thing…Easy Breezy Summer Coaching!

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