How’s Your Vision?

How’s your vision? I don’t mean your eyesight…your life’s vision?

I have a bit of a head cold this week, a bit of congestions. I’ve followed Louise Hay for years and I believe, as her book is titled, You Can Heal Your Life. As I returned to her book and reflected on what I was experiencing I could see how my thoughts and my life had become congested.

A month ago, I started a second business creating a shift in my life. I am committed to both and so I began the process of finding my rhythm and integrating the two into my days. I love my work as a life coach and I love my Nerium business. They complement each other well – I’m all about helping people live their best life. Still, I underestimated the impact it would have on me and didn’t allow myself the time to get clear about what I want now as a result of the change. My life, my thoughts, started to become congested and unclear and well, here I am with a stuffy head.

Success in any area of life begins with a clear vision and I have one. Or I thought I did. The more I reflect on where I am, the more obvious it is that my vision wasn’t as clear as I thought. And, I was resisting the inevitable letting go of what was in order to clear the way for this new adventure.

The congestion of course is in my thinking. Thinking I had to do things a certain way. There were things about my coaching practice that seemed to be less important now yet I kept telling myself I had to do them. Is that true? I was feeling unfocused, not able to concentrate on either business. Definitely not where I want to be. I know enough to know all of this is here for me to learn from. My vision fading, it is time to retreat.

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw

There is simply no substitute for unhurried, uninterrupted self-reflection. A retreat, whether for a few hours, or days, or a week; whether alone or with likeminded souls, is a necessary part of getting to the heart of what we want most in life. Retreating from the day-to-day busyness of life allows me to regain perspective on what it is that I truly desire to create. It’s impossible to have perspective when mired in the busyness of life.

When was the last time you allowed yourself the quiet unhurried time to reflect.

What we experience in life is a result of our thinking, our imagination. Imagination is the stuff from which we create ourselves and our lives. One of my favorite visualization practices comes from my coach training – the ideal day. It’s imagining an ideal day in your life from the time I wake in the morning until I lay my head down at night 5 years in the future. Using all of the senses, you can imagine your life as you want it to be. When you know how it feels you’ll find yourself following the feeling into the next inspired action and the next. Before you know it you’ll have made a big leap!

So, I’m off on retreat in the next day or two. Time to reflect, and renew the vision for what I am creating in my life. Remember, your vision is the garden of your dreams. Cultivate it by visiting it often. Water it with faith and make sure you remove any weeds of doubt whether they are yours or someone else’s.

I hope you’ll make time for your own vision. I’ll keep you posted on mine.

From my heart to yours,

Nurture Your Inner Goddess 

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