Honor the Transition

It was a full morning and I had just enough time to get from one meeting to the next. When I got there, I realized my energy was scattered and I felt rushed. I asked the women I was speaking with to take deep breath with me so we could come to this moment, to honor the transition. I wanted to be fully present for our conversation.

Honor the transition and ask for what you want

There are so many ways we transition in our days, our weeks, our lives. Some seem small, like moving from one meeting or activity to the next. Other seem huge, like be displaced from a job or ending a relationship. In each transition we are letting go of something in order to become more of who we are here to be.

Transitions can be stressful, even more so when we ignore them and keep pushing on with life. Whether you’re transitioning between jobs, relationships, or just from one activity to the next, I invite you to recognize and honor the transition.

Here’s a simple 2 minute practice you can use

  • Pause and connect with your breath
  • Notice how, in this moment, all is well
  • Now…allow yourself to relax and honor this space between what was and what is yet to be
  • Then, notice at least 2 things you are grateful for in that moment

Why honor the transitions

When we honor the transition, we give ourselves permission to relax and create space for new insights, ideas and inspiration that will lead us into all that we are becoming even if we don’t quite see it yet. Allow this to become a sacred and treasured practice and if you’re with others, as I was, invite them to join you. Couldn’t we all use a little more space in our lives?

From my heart to yours,

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