How Would You Describe Yourself?

Words are free and they have power. They are the very things that shape our life experience. From our thoughts to our lips, we create our lives. Have you ever considered that the words you use to describe yourself might be the ways in which you limit yourself?

So, how would you describe yourself?

I was talking with a friend who is also an entrepreneur. She was feeling a bit down because she hadn’t completed some business tasks she’d set for herself. As we talked, I could feel my own discontent about similar things in my business. It’s incredible how life mirrors back to us exactly what we need.

As I listened to her story, thoughts about being unsuccessful came out of my mouth. Now, I know that I speak my life into being. So do you. I also know that by describing myself as unsuccessful – whether I say it to anyone else or just to myself – I am perpetuating the experience of being unsuccessful.

What we believe about ourselves becomes true for us, because we believe it is.

It’s really quite simple, yet not so easy in practice. Today, I invite you to consider the words you use to describe yourself. Are you playing small? Are you using words that limit yourself, disempowering thoughts that become who you believe you are? Who you say you are?

Let’s have another think about that…shall we?

Let’s imagine for a moment the highest, grandest version of ourselves possible in this moment and be that. We do this, one step, one empowering thought, one empowering word at a time. So, who are you now?

Words have power, and you are free to choose words that support that highest idea of yourself rather than those that limit you to who you think you should be.

Give it a try…let me know how it goes.

From my heart to yours,

Give yourself permission to become who you know, deep down, you are. Schedule a discovery call with me today…let’s explore the possibilities together.

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