That’s easy for you to say!

Often times, when we see someone who’s made a significant change in their lives we want to know how they did it. Right? We admire how they show up to life and the confidence they exude. When they tell us they grew tired of a mediocre life. and decided to change, we often respond with, “That’s easy for you to say”. But, I can’t do that.

We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are

Max Dupree

I’ve said it and people have said this to me especially now that I’m reimagining and creating a life I love. I’m not super special or different than you or anyone else. I decided to be the woman who went for it. It all comes down to conscious choice. Too often we live life in default mode. We let situations and circumstances push us and push our buttons, rather than letting our dreams pull us. If you think, “that’s easy for you to say Elaine”, I invite you to reconsider.

Don’t believe everything you think

We often believe that our past choices or perhaps mistakes prevent us from changing. That we should wait for something before we can live the life we desire. We believe in conventional or collective thinking that you are or aren’t certain things because of your age, where you came from, your education or lack of it and so on. Or simply think we can’t change, it’s impossible for one reason or another. Here’s the thing. We don’t experience reality, we experience our thoughts about reality and our thoughts can be changed.

I love stretching my mind, thinking of the highest good possible

Louise Hay

It’s easy to say, “that’s easy for you to say…but”??? We’ve all found ourselves there at one time or another. But change is not impossible, if that’s what you truly desire. So, what if you didn’t believe that? Would you be willing to step into your power to choose and change? What if it’s as easy as deciding? What would you change? Who would you be in the world?

You’ve heard this before – You’re only one decision away from a totally different life. A totally kickass life. Life is too short to settle for mediocre. All you need is within you. Make it easy for you to say, I decided. Stop looking out there, and look within. The secret to living your kickass life is YOU!

From my heart to yours,

Get started right now…here!

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