Happiness Begets Happiness

I’ve been revisiting my intentions and goals for 2018 and on the top of the list is this – I help people live their best life. Why? Reason number 1. Happiness begets happiness and we can all do with more of it in our lives and in the world.

It’s that simple. It’s a choice. Things don’t make us happy, at least not for long, and our happiness certainly doesn’t come from other people. Honestly, it is an awfully big burden to task someone else with my happiness! It’s a sure fire way to find myself disappointed, discouraged, and resentful. Truth is, I’ve been there. As painful as it is to admit, I’ve expected others to do or be a certain way because I believed I’d be happy then (eye roll).

I am the only person who knows what happiness means to me. Therefore, I’m the only person who can choose it, create it, live it. The same goes for you. So often we limit being happy to the conditions or circumstances in our lives. You know them. I’ll be happier when I have more time, or more money, or I get that promotion, or the new car, or meet that perfect partner. The list goes on and on. Am I right?

Life is full of challenges.

Lordy, do I know it! And, I’m sure you do too. Here’s the thing. It always has a way of working out. And, it works out best when I get out of my own way. When I stop doubting myself and turn inward to listen to my inner wisdom. Stop grasping for the next thing that I think will make me happy, and listen to my intuition and follow that instead. I’m not saying things are bad – I love things – but I’ve learned that true happiness come from within. And, it’s right here in this present moment. Happiness begets happiness. The more I choose it, the more I am it, I live it, I share it, I attract it. I love knowing that the choice is always mine. Don’t you?

From my heart to yours,

Follow your happiness to Tuscany this fall and Nurture Your Inner Goddess! Connect with your inner wisdom on this unique and experiential adventure!

Photo by Cerys Lowe on Unsplash

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