Five Reasons I Love Retreats

Retreat or vacation? I’ve often asked myself this question. Vacations are important to our mental health and wellbeing and I love them too. Still, I find retreats have some benefits that I don’t get on vacation.

Here are the top five reasons I love retreats.

  1. Spiritual Connection and Spaciousness: Giving attention to myself is giving attention to Spirit, to the Divine Presence within me and nurturing a deeper connection with the truth of who I am. Retreats are designed to give us peace away from our routines, the space to gain clarity about who we want to be and what we want to have in our lives, and what we need to let go of. I believe each of us is here on Divine assignment to fulfill our dreams and desires and express our inner magnificence. I’ve experience great insight into the next assignment on my journey while on retreat. Perhaps you have too.
  2. Travel with Intention: I love travel, and retreats offer me an opportunity to travel with purpose and intention. To go with the desire to learn something about myself, or change something within me. I look for retreats that have outdoor elements, and are highly experiential. In retreats I’ve experience the freedom to be playful with ideas and dreams in a safe and supportive environment. And, doing all of this in the company of likeminded others is a gift. The gift of connection.
  3. Connection: I love widening the circle of sisterhood and connecting with likeminded women. I’ve gained long standing friends from retreats, and there’s a special magic that happens when women gather to do the soul’s work. We’ve shared laughter and tears, joys and sorrows, aspirations and inspiration. And, we’ve held space for what each is consciously creating in her life. This is the true magic of retreats.
  4. Professional Guidance: Retreats come with the bonus of guidance for spiritual, mental, and physical growth. Programs, tools, exercises are incorporated into the experience and you are supported by professional coaches, teachers, and healers who are there to guide you and hold space for whatever your intentions are. Retreats are a judgement free zone! Are you putting off what you want in life for ‘someday’? I’ve found these guides to be extremely supportive in helping me make small steps forward in the present moment towards big change.
  5. Abiding Self-Mastery: Retreats have a lasting benefit as we learn to shift our consciousness and master our thoughts, our beliefs, and our acceptance of self. First of all, I’ve never been on a retreat that didn’t change me in some way, especially one that included experiential learning or adventure. Retreats have helped me increase my confidence and really get in touch with what my soul is calling for. Retreats have also allowed me the space and freedom to learn to love myself and as Louise Hay said, “Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” Indeed, it does.

These are my top five reasons I love retreats. I love them so much, I’m creating my own immerse retreat adventures for women. See #1…Divine assignments…this, I know is mine.

I’d love to know what you’ve discovered about yourself while on retreat. How has it changed you, and what more are you willing to discover about yourself?

From my heart to yours,

What ARE you willing to discover about yourself now? Join me on retreat to Nurture Your Inner Goddess this October! This is travel with intention where you’ll laugh, play, and discover your inner magnificence in the beauty and magic of Tuscany.

Next Week: I’ll share my top tips for making the most of your retreat experience.

Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

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