Your Fairy Godmother is Real

Yes, I’m a feminist and still Cinderella is one of my favorite stories. A couple years back I saw a theater production in which Cinderella rescues the Prince. Of course! What I love most about this story is the fairy godmother. What I’ve come to know is that she is the true essence, the spiritual nature of Cinderella, in a form that we can identify with. She’s the inner wisdom that exists within each of us. In other words, your fairy godmother is real, and she is you!

Only you can know what’s right for you. Only you can give yourself permission to know what you want, to ask for what you want, and become what you desire. This doesn’t mean we don’t need others in our lives to help us, support us, mentor and guide us. Still, none of those others can know what we know for ourselves.

“The greatest risk any of us will ever take is to be seen as we are” ~Cinderella

It’s risky to be seen as we are, and it takes courage to become what we know we want and not what others want for us. Once we know what that is and claim it for ourselves, everyday magic happens – the people, ideas, and resources begin to show up in your life often in surprising and delightful ways.

Know that your fairy godmother is real and she is you. She is the whisper of your heart, and the courage to take the first step. What wish do you have? What are you dreaming of? Have the courage to speak it, even if only to yourself at first. What small step might your fairy godmother help you take today to feel into that dream? The magic is in you. Listen to the whisper of your heart, have courage and be kind – to yourself and others – and your dreams can come true.

From my heart to yours,

Are you dreaming of a magical adventure just for you? Discover your magic as you Nurture Your Inner Goddess is Tuscany, Italy. October 7-14, 2018.

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